
How does the second house of the birth chart influence financial stability and personal possessions?

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The 2nd house is one of the most important house in the birth chart of any individual. The 2nd house of birth chart is adjacent to first house ( which is called ascendant house ) . Since it is next to ascendant ( which is beginning ) therefore this house belongs to immediate growing up and family , also known as house of possession. From the second house one can easily predict about the walth and possessions of the native. It also represents the native assets, financial status and material resources. Furthermore this house also relates to speech, self worth and traditions. 

What aspects of life are influenced and controlled by the 2nd house?

Second house: The second house in astrology is focused mainly on personal finances and possessions. In simple terms, it shows what and how much one can earn. It is connected with direct sources of income, such as a job or a personal business. It also represents the level of financial stability achieved by a person in life. This house also includes the material of property, investments, and belongings acquired by a person. The second house is also much about values and attitude to oneself. It describes one’s attitude to his or her resources, such as money, and skills. The second house influences the speech and the manner in which a person shares his or her experiences and knowledge with others. It also reflects on a person’s kin and the role of his or her family and everything genetically inherited or life experiences.

If we talk about the body parts associated with second house, then these body parts are  eyes and lower part of the face, neck, throat, mouth, cheeks, chin, nose, nails, teeth, and tongue. 

Significance of The 2nd House

“2nd House” Astrology believes it can positively change our life; we can create purposeful works; in connection with our possessions. If our possessions are positive, we might be able to create more and can go up financially. We also should not forget about close relatives regarding such things and not things, we interact with these things, but the second house can make us happy and understanding person. The second house is not our base, but the second is our base because this house is 30 up to 60 degrees from the horizon. So it has the fundamental and elementary component, depending on who we are talking about, our base; it can be one, and it may be somewhat more.

The second house is the house of Artha, the accumulation of wealth, resources. Therefore, if this house is very strong in a person, then he will want to accumulate as much as possible, if this house is damaged, accordingly, it will be tight with savings and resources.

2nd house represents your finances, family, speech, face and moral values which you get from your family. Jupiter is karaka for this house. This house also shows the responsibilities you take. If your 2nd lord is well placed in chart then you take responsibilities of many person in life. The strength of 2nd lord discloses many things about the family background. 

Which sign and planets are associated with the 2nd House?

The 2nd house in astrology does not have a sign permanently associated with it exclusively. The summoned sign depends on the individual birth stroke. However, traditionally, Taurus is often used for the topics of the 2nd house of astrology: wealth and possessions and one’s values. Taurus’s natural properties also merge with the ephemeral purpose of the house and its content. Regarding planetary guidance, Venus is “a secondary ruler of one of the two houses being considered” of astrology. Venus is also the Taurus ruler and symbolizes money, wealth, and material values. Her influence emphasizes the surrounding, comfort, luxury and the use of resources to make life more convenient. Other planets located in the 2nd house in birth astrology can affect these topics, depending on the planets’ nature aspects to other important astrological points.

Impact of different planets in 2nd House in your birth chart?

One of the most important house which discloses lot of things about you and your family. So today I will share my experience about 2nd house related matters.

  • Sun- These are person who are rich since ages or their ancestors are also rich. Their family is well known wherever they live and they can have lots of government servant's in their family. On the other hand these person have very harsh/rude speech which generally disturbs their married life. So person with this placement should take care of this otherwise it's very good Placement for status and finances of family. These person may also be involved in some family business work or there can be generations which are following same profession.
  • Moon in second house - Moon in Taurus is exalted so placement of Moon here is very good position. Moon also gives good financial status of family. Such persons are having very good knowledge about cooking their taste buds are very active and even by just taste of any food they can write down the ingredients of food. Have very soft voice and talk very politely with other person.
  • Jupiter in second house  - This is also one of the best placement and such person is very fortunate. Even just Jupiter's aspect on 2nd lord changes whole dynamics in results of this house. Such persons are born in joint family or have big family with lots of siblings. Such natives have big eyes and they like to eat in big utensils. Such natives are very polite and have smile on face . This just one placement shows some divine blessings on them and although they have very good finances but still due to some bad dashas if they generally don't see financial crunch and money comes to them from somewhere. Such native's family is very supportive.
  • Mercury in second house  : This is also a good planetary placement , but mercury here can make someone chatterbox. Such person can talk too much and on contrary to this it's afflicted by ketu/scorpio / Rahu  or even Saturn sometimes then it can give stammering issues or child speaks quite later in childhood so it's one of the confusing placement also because placement of mercury is good here but it's affliction can trouble you and create some speech related problems. 
  • Venus in second house : This is also a very good placement in terms of finances and can also show this native may belong to family of businessman or merchants as venus rules libra sign. Such natives have very good voice but very diplomatic also. Venus is the planet of diplomacy so wherever it Sits that quality comes naturally to the native.
  • Mars in second house - Such persons are very protective for their family . Mars in second house may create some ups and down related to money and finances . Same situation happen realted to family life , family life is full of fluctuations. Also they might be brought up in very stressful family environment due to strict parents or money conerns. There are also chaces that such person may also have some teeth misalignment or gaps between teeths because they can't hold brush for long time. 
  • Saturn in second house : Whenever Saturn is placed in second house or even aspect it without any benefic association on 2nd then one thing is sure, such a person may born in a family where there are financial issues or may face challenges realted to finances during early childhood. Due to which such natives main motive in life will become to earn maximum money in life . Saturn is afflicted by some malefic then such a person may be liar as well. 
  • Rahu in second house - This is also good placement in terms of finances. Such a person have some good family background who are rich , although that source may not be legal but still good from financial perspective. These person know how to make money and have very manipulative mind to make money. Such person may face teetch issues and can have big gaps in teeth. 
  • Ketu in second house : Ketu being the planet of Moksha and salvation, this is not very good placement in terms of finances. Such a person should do job or business away from family to maintain good financial status else may face challenges in life. Also due to Ketu in second house such natives may face detachment from family members it may be due to some business or career issues or even property disputes. Such natives speak very less and pitch of voice is low. Such person may face some throat related issues in life.

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Answered on May 1, 2024 4:07 am