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Taurus Horoscope July 2024 and planetary transit impact on life

This is monthly Taurus Horoscope July 2024 in which we will discuss in complete details about major transits during the month of July 2024 on different aspect of life like : Career, Family life, finances, health, love and romance life and at the end we will discuss the most important remedies for Taurus ascendant as per the placement of planets during the month of July.

Taurus Horoscope July 2024 - Career Horoscope

Period from 1st July to 13th July positions of planets are as shown in the following birth chart :

Rahu is currently in the eleventh house. Rahu in the 11th house of gains and social networks facilitates greater avenues for professional advancement through unconventional mediums. You might get attracted to modern and creative concepts which can support you with your advanced career. This is a period where making connections will be important and you could encounter powerful figures who may open doors for you. Just be careful not to overestimate gains and do not touch a fraudulent counterparty or schemes. However, if you keep yourself grounded and in touch with reality, there are few better ways to make the most of Rahu's energy.

Ketu in the 5th house results in an interest in creating creative and speculative ventures. This is an opportunity to circle back around to old projects or ideas you may have moved on from. You will be instinctive and might find unique ways to resolve work-related issues. But avoid unnecessary risks from an investment end. This, in turn, can be transferred into something creative which can benefit your career such as writing or designing artistic aspects for a movie.

Jupiter in the 1st house is great as it will bring you growth, expansion, and good vibes for your professional life. This develops your self-belief and positively influences other areas in life, leading to a lot more opportunities coming your way which may also bring you some credit. The time of the year is wonderful for self-improvement and personal development. These courses or training programs may help you develop your skills and knowledge. It will bring forth the leader in yourself, and you would be given more roles with increased responsibility and power.

The presence of Mercury and Venus in the 3rd house will help improve the ability to communicate and creative thinking. You will become more erudite and confident in your speech, so it is the perfect time for debating, speaking in public, or writing assignments. The charismatic and elegant Venus will make you even more charismatic and elegant, which is appreciated in relationships at work.

This is a good period for short travels to promote business, and you may kick about with brothers or close friends in professional matters.

When the Sun falls in our second house of finances, we are likely to be less inclined towards spending and more focused on wealth resources. Positive comments on your work can earn you money or a higher profile. This is a good time to look at your financial plans and make adjustments as needed. Watch your spending and start to create that important financial footing. This will emphasize your communication skills so take this time to support your opinions and you would possibly find yourself making higher deals or securing a higher pay.

When Mars is in the 1st house, there can be a pulsing flow of energy and drive. You will be more determined and proactive, motivated to take on new things. Great time to start new projects or make big changes in your career. Nevertheless, do not be aggressive towards your colleagues which can create internal conflicts. Use this energy positively to concentrate on your goals and work alone if you can.

Saturn in the 10th house is strong for discipline and hard work on a career, which can lend to long-term planning. This time may involve more duties and a sense of concentration in terms of establishing your career. It will come with some difficulties and obstacles, but you can beat them if you stay committed to your work. Stick to your targets and be organized at work. This period is extremely crucial for Taurus ascendant as it occurs once every 30 years.

Period from 13th July to 31st July:

Mars transits in Taurus and will conjunct Jupiter in your 1st house, boosting your confidence and drive. It will give you positive energy and a new shine to your career. It is a great time for new ventures and progress in the professional field. You will earn respect for your leadership skills and potentially be offered new tasks or to lead a certain group. But keep a check on your overconfidence and do not take unwanted risks. Apply your enthusiasm with careful planning and execution.

It will improve your skills even more when the Sun transits into Cancer and conjuncts with Venus and Mercury in the 3rd house, ensuring effective communication and creativity. You will be more direct and convincing, making it a good time for meetings or other speaking engagements. Venus adds grace and refinement to your social contacts, while Mercurial energy dices high-level sharp wit with a focused lens. This combination is ideal for marketing, sales jobs, or anything where communication and creativity are involved. This is the phase where associations with your colleagues and teamwork will reap you good results.

Taurus Horoscope July 2024 - Health Horoscope

July 2024 may create health problems for Taurus Ascendant. Jupiter in the first house can often indicate weight gain. Mercury and Venus in Cancer may cause digestive problems. Therefore, the Sun in Gemini could result in respiratory issues.

Mars in Taurus might bring inflammation or fever. Saturn in Aquarius may cause bone or joint pain. After July 13th, Sun and Mars transit into Cancer. This transit may increase stress and anxiety. Conjunction of Venus and Mercury can cause skin problems. Jupiter with Mars in Taurus can indicate liver issues. Maintain a balanced diet to mitigate health issues.

Taurus Horoscope July 2024 - Finances Horoscope

July 2024, for Taurus Ascendant - This month has a cocktail of highs and lows pertaining to your finances. The investment is likely to be conservative with Jupiter in the 1st house. Mercury in Cancer and Venus strengthen communication via written forms, aiding financial talks. Individuals with Sun in Gemini may gain a lot in the short term through intelligent decision-making.

Until July 13th, Mars in Taurus makes you spend impulsively. Saturn in Aquarius promotes long-term financial planning. After July 13th, Sun and Mars in Cancer warn against dangerous financial endeavors. Venus and Mercury help in materializing creativity. Jupiter with Mars can mean unexpected expenses. Have a budget to avoid spending too much. Financial luck dates are July 5th, 10th, and 28th. You may experience some financial losses around July 15th and 20th.

Taurus Horoscope July 2024 - Love and Romance Life Horoscope

For Taurus Ascendant: July 2024 brings love and romance to the forefront, with varied opportunities. From 1st to 13th July, Venus in Cancer deepens emotional bonds. Mercury in Cancer brings clear, loving communication. With the Sun in Gemini, there will be light and fun interactions. Extensive Jupiter in the first house confers great confidence and charm. Singles might cross paths with someone special around July 5th to 7th.

Mars in Taurus drives a deep level of passion and desire. However, Rahu in Pisces might create confusion or put you under illusion. Ketu in Virgo suggests potential past relationship issues resurfacing. After 13th July, Sun and Mars will transit into Cancer, bringing more emotional rawness and closeness. A Venus/Mercury conjunction creates romantic thoughts and date invitations. Singles can be lucky in finding someone special around 20th to 22nd July.

Taurus Horoscope July 2024 - Family Life Horoscope

Family life for Taurus Ascendant in July 2024 may have mixed results. Married life: Some tension may happen due to Mars in Taurus. First, Jupiter in the first house is beneficial for spousal support. Marriage happens better when Mercury and Venus cross over one another. Sun in Gemini may cause minor misunderstandings with siblings.

Saturn in Aquarius can create distance with friends. Relations with father might face stress due to Rahu in Pisces. Mother’s health may be sensitive with Ketu in Virgo.

Children bring joy but require extra attention in education. After July 13th, Sun and Mars transit to Cancer. This transit enhances communication with your spouse. Conjunction of Venus and Mercury improves harmony at home. Jupiter with Mars in Taurus emphasizes family responsibilities. Prioritize family bonding and communication throughout the month.

Taurus Horoscope July 2024 - Remedies

  1. Chant Om Namah Shivaya daily for peace.
  2. Offer water to the Sun every morning.
  3. Donate yellow clothes on Thursdays.
  4. Perform Rudrabhishek for family harmony.
  5. Light a ghee lamp under a Peepal tree.
  6. Feed crows daily for Rahu’s pacification.
  7. Donate black and blue clothes on Saturdays.
  8. Avoid wearing red clothes.
  9. Keep a square piece of silver.
  10. Offer 4 kg of wheat in running water.
Astrology Houses Information

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