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Scorpio Horoscope October 2024

In this monthly horoscope , we are going to discuss about the Scorpio horoscope October 2024. During the month of October, there will be a very important transit of Venus, Sun, and Mars, and you have to be aware of the impact of all these transits on different aspects of your life. We are going to discuss that in complete detail in this particular monthly horoscope .

So, if the number 8 is written in the first house of your birth chart and along with that "Lagna" is also written, as you can see here, then this monthly birth chart analysis report is for you. For all other ascendants, you can watch my other monthly horoscope s.

Scorpio Horoscope October 2024 - Career:

Period from 1st October to 14th October :

During the period from the 1st to the 15th of October, your birth chart will look like this, as you can see here. monthly horoscope scorpio october 2024

During this period, Mars is placed in the 8th house, Jupiter in the 7th house, Rahu in the 5th house, Sun, Mercury, and Ketu conjunction is there in the house of profit, Venus is currently transiting in the 12th house, and Saturn is in its own Mooltrikon sign, that is Aquarius, in the 4th house.

Let's first understand Sun, Mercury, and Ketu conjunction here in the house of profit, where Rahu is also aspecting. Due to this, this period may create some misunderstanding if you are doing any business along with your friends or with the help of your social circle. There are also chances that you may face huge mental stress if you are doing any sort of job or even business as well.

On the other hand, due to the conjunction of Sun and Ketu in the 11th house, it may create delays in getting the fruits of your hard work. If you are about to get a promotion in your job, then there are chances that it may get delayed. Also, Rahu in the 5th house may create some clouds of confusion in your mind. There are also chances that it may divert you in different directions, due to which your energy won't be able to focus in a single direction or on a single goal. As a result, you won't be able to get the results of your energy that you are putting in different directions, meaning you won't be able to get the positive results of your hard work.

So, be a little careful about that, as Rahu, which is also known as the king of the Kalyug and which creates huge illusions in the mind, is currently transiting in the 5th house, which also denotes our mind. Rahu is also aspecting Mercury here in the 11th house. Also, Mercury, which is the lord of the 8th house, is currently transiting in the 11th house here. The lord of the 8th house in the 11th house also denotes some ups and downs in your career in getting the fruits of your hard work. So, be a little careful about that, as it may create some mental stress in your life as well.

Venus, which is currently transiting in your 11th house in its own sign, may give some positive results when we talk about import-export business. If natives who are doing some import-export business or professionals who are searching for some opportunities abroad, such professionals or natives may get very fruitful results here.

On the other hand, it may also create some mental disturbances, also creating some mental stress related to your finances. What will the impact of this be on your finances? We are going to discuss this in our later section.

Secondly, Mars is transiting in your 8th house. Mars, which is the lord of the 1st house and the 6th house, is currently transiting in the 8th house. Whenever the lord of the 1st house is transiting in the 8th house, it may create some disturbances in the mind or fluctuations, due to which the native may take some wrong decisions related to their career or business. So, be a little careful about that; otherwise, this period may create huge mental stress for you. This period may force you to take some wrong decisions in your life, so be cautious. People who are doing some family business may also face some inconsistency or hurdles in their business.

Currently, Jupiter, which is placed in the 7th house, is aspecting the Lagna house, the 11th house, and the 3rd house here. Due to which, it is going to give you a stable mind. Slowly, the aspect on the ascendant will give you some stability in the mind. While Rahu is currently creating some trouble here, Jupiter is going to give you a positive aspect on the other side.

Jupiter is also aspecting your 3rd house, which suggests that if you are doing any business with your younger siblings, it is going to give you very positive results here. Jupiter's aspect is also on the 11th house, but due to the negative impact of Sun and Ketu here and also the aspect of Rahu directly on the 11th house, you won't get the full positive benefits from Jupiter. Due to this, you may face some trouble related to the 11th house, which governs material desires and profits from hard work.

Currently, Saturn, which is placed in the 4th house, is aspecting the 10th house directly. This suggests that Saturn is going to give you consistent results. If you look back over the past few months or years, you must have seen a stable career path or some opportunity related to your career. This Saturn transit is very crucial for you, as Saturn has come after 30 years into its Mooltrikon sign and is going to give very positive results for everyone.

However, Saturn’s placement in the 4th house also suggests that people in the real estate or transport business may receive good opportunities. To get more fruitful results from Saturn, you must work hard and be disciplined in life. If you delay tasks or have a habit of procrastination, Saturn's positive aspect may turn negative, leading to repentance later. When Saturn moves out of its Mooltrikon sign, you must be careful.

Period from 14th October to 23rd October :

After the 14th of October, your birth chart will look like this, as you can see here. scorpio monthly horoscope october 2024

During this period, the Sun is going to transit in your 12th house, which will end the Sun-Ketu conjunction and the Grahan Dosha from your 11th house. Due to this, the delay in reaping the rewards of your hard work or any mental stress related to your business will start reducing. However, the Sun, as the lord of the house of karma, is transiting in your 12th house, which may create some trouble in your job or business. There are chances of conflicts with colleagues or superiors.

There is also the possibility that you may receive support from colleagues or friends in foreign lands. If you are searching for opportunities abroad, this period could bring amazing and unexpected positive results. However, for those working or doing business away from their homeland or in foreign lands, this Sun transit may create trouble. There are chances that you may face legal implications, so be cautious.

The Sun's placement in the 12th house is aspecting its exalted sign in Aries, which could bring positive results, especially in competitive exams or interviews. So, if you are attending an interview during this period, you may see very favorable outcomes.

Period after 23rd October :

After the 23rd of October, your birth chart will look like this, as you can see here. scorpio october 2024

During this period, Mars, the lord of the 1st house, will transit in your house of fortune, but it is in its debilitated sign, aspecting the 3rd and 4th houses. This may create some conflict if you are conducting business with your father. It may also delay things and create challenges in gaining results from your fortune.

For those who depend on luck for their career or are starting a new project based on fortune, this is not the favorable period for that. You must understand that Mars, as the lord of the Lagna, is in its debilitated sign in the house of Cancer. Rahu is aspecting the house of profit, where Ketu is also placed, and the Sun, which is the significator of the 10th house, is transiting in the 12th house. Hence, this is not the right time to start a new venture. Be cautious about changing jobs during this period, as it may increase your mental stress.

If you are doing business with your younger siblings, Mars’ aspect on the 3rd house could create challenges.

Scorpio Horoscope October 2024 - Health

The month of October is not very favorable for your health. Mars is placed in the 8th house, and after the 15th of October, the Sun will transit in the 12th house. This may cause issues like depression, sleep disorders, and stress for those already suffering. Due to Mars in the 8th house, heart-related issues or cholesterol problems may arise, so be careful. If you have stomach-related issues, the period from the 26th to the 27th of October could be critical, so avoid eating spicy or outside food.

Muscular pain or backbone pain may occur during the period from the 5th to 7th of October, and from the 21st to 22nd of October. Be sure to engage in physical exercise during this time.

Scorpio Horoscope October 2024 - Finances:

The month of October is not very favorable and will show some ups and downs related to your finances. This is due to the Sun-Mercury conjunction and the Ketu conjunction in the house of profit, which is going to impact directly the fruits of your hard work, meaning the finances you are supposed to gain from your efforts. This will further impact your finances in a negative manner.

Also, the Sun is going to transit in the 12th house, and the Sun-Venus conjunction will be there in the 12th house, which may create some problems related to your finances. Mars, until the 23rd of October, will be in the 8th house, which means there are chances that you may face huge expenses related to health issues, either your own or your parents'.

So, be very careful, as your expenses may increase exponentially during the month of October. Particularly, the period from the 5th to the 7th of October, and the 26th to the 27th of October, are not favorable for your finances. During this time, your finances may get impacted negatively.

Avoid unnecessary investments or any lucrative offers during this particular period. If we talk about the positive aspects, the period from the 23rd to the 25th of October, and also from the 15th to the 16th of October, will be favorable for your finances. During these days, there are chances that you may receive some unexpected financial gains.

Scorpio Horoscope October 2024 - Love and romance life.

For people in relationships, the month of October is not so favorable. The Sun-Mercury conjunction is in the 11th house and is aspecting the 5th house, where Rahu is placed. The period from the 18th to the 20th of October, and the 3rd to the 4th of October, may create significant mental stress in your relationship.

So, be very careful. There are also chances that Rahu, placed in the 5th house, may cause disturbances in your mind. This could lead to misunderstandings and conflict in your relationship. Be a little cautious during this period, as the time before the 15th of October is not very positive for relationship matters. You need to remain calm and wait for the right time, as the planetary movement will become more favorable after the 15th of October. After that, your relationship will improve slowly.

For people who are single, the period from the 5th to the 7th of October, and the 23rd to the 25th of October, will be favorable for starting a new relationship.

Scorpio Horoscope October 2024 - Family life.

If we talk about your marital life, the placement of Jupiter in the 7th house will bring some stability to your marriage. However, until the 15th of October, the Sun-Ketu conjunction in the 11th house and Ketu's aspect on your 7th house may create some disturbances in your marital life.

Currently, Venus is transiting in the 12th house, which may also create misunderstandings in your marital relationship. To avoid this, take precautions, as the period from the 1st to the 15th of October may cause significant mental stress in your marital life. There are chances that conflicts may increase, especially due to workload, and Saturn’s aspect on your 10th house may also keep you away from focusing on your marriage. You may have more travel or workload in your job or business, which could limit the time you can dedicate to your marriage, so be mindful of that.

On the other hand, the month of October is not favorable when it comes to your relationship with your father. There are chances that some conflict may arise with him, and there are also chances that you may face health-related issues concerning your father. The period from the 5th to the 7th of October, and the 26th to the 27th of October, is not favorable for your mother's health either. There is a chance that you may face some health issues concerning your mother, which could increase mental stress at home.

Currently, Rahu is placed in the 5th house, where the Sun-Mercury-Ketu conjunction is aspecting the 5th house. Due to this, it may create some conflict with your children as well.

Scorpio Horoscope October 2024 - Remedies:

  • Chant Rahu Beej Mantra daily after sunset: "Om Bhram Bhreem Bhroum Sah Rahave Namah."
  • Feed dogs and fishes daily after sunset.
  • Feed cows with green grass every Sunday.
  • Donate black lentils on Saturdays and donate coins to 80% or in any Lord Saturn temple for auspicious results.

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