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Saturn and Ketu in eleventh house

In this blog, we will discuss the impact of Saturn Ketu in 11th house,also known as the horoscope's house of Wish fulfilment, income, wealth, prosperity, sudden gain and abundance.

How will this yuti (conjunction/combination) affect health, married life, home/happiness and unexpected incidents in life with their positive or negative flavours and the best remedies?

What is the Eleventh (11th) house in the birth chart?

The 11th house is also known as the horoscope's house of Wish fulfilment, income, wealth, prosperity, sudden gain and abundance.
It is opposite the 5th house of speculation and intuition so this house and its planets and various aspects on this house determine what will be the outcome of the wishes/speculations of a person. This brings out the fruit of the work that a person puts in the 10th house and gets the results of the same from this house.

The body parts denoted by this house are the ankles, shins and calves. It also denotes the left arm and ear.
This house is very commonly known as the Labha bhava in Sanskrit as it gives information about the Higher knowledge and religious aspects of one’s life. Generally, every planet placed here gives its good results only but there could be exceptions as well. Planets give the result of their other house ownership as well.

What is the Saturn-Ketu conjunction/combination in Astrology?

A major part of this has been mentioned in the last blog. Please refer to the prologue of What is Saturn Ketu conjunction in astrology ?

Saturn Ketu in 11th house of the birth chart General characteristics:

Eleventh house gets the conjunction of these two malefic planets Saturn & Ketu. The natural owner of this house is Saturn in Kaal Purush Kundli. The element of this house is Air (Vayu tattva). It is a very important house because if the 11th house is good then the wishes are fulfilled of a person in this lifetime and the native enjoys all kinds of pleasures in multiplicities as it is a house which shows multiplicity as success as well.

This house shows what a person is going to achieve in this lifetime. Generally, all planets give good results in this house and they bless as per their characteristics and the houses they own in the horoscope. The Natural owner of this house is Saturn as it is said that Saturn gives the result after a person has done the karma intended for any job.

Saturn will again bless the native with the wish fulfilment even if it happens with some delay or one may say at the right age only. Ketu placed here shows that a person has achieved the results of this house earlier in the past lives only and thus the focus goes to the 5th house of the horoscope.
The disinterest of Ketu can make further delays in the fulfilment of the desire for the native. However, if there is a benefic aspect of Jupiter on this house as well then also the delay might not be there. In very afflicted horoscopes the native’s family might become poor as well.

There could be some detachment from the siblings with some serious differences that might be covered by any side or there may be certain circumstances in life that such person may stay away from siblings. Friends also will be very less for this person unless there is a benefic aspect of some other planet or the 11th lord is in good strength with some benefic planet. Ketu has expertise in networking from previous births as shown by the 11th house but in this lifetime, Ketu is not interested in this area and passes the baton to Rahu to explore the depths of the 5th house.

The Person might be of a serious type as Saturn has its 3rd aspect on the ascendant and that will make native bohemian in nature again. This can give health issues for the native.

Saturn Ketu in 11th house of the birth chart and career:

Now since the combination is happening in the 11th house it affects the results of the profession chosen by the native. Since Saturn is in its own natural house i.e. the 11th house of results of karma. Natives would face lots of ups and downs in life. Career can be thus into marketing, multi-level marketing.
Rahu is in the house of speculations and Ketu is fulfilling the desires or rather drying them. Again, the career could be in Speculation trades. A person can become a gambler as well. Such a person can be into trading stock as well and make huge amounts of money.

Once again, the profession of a native could change a few or many times in the lifetime depending upon the age of the person and the transit and dasha as well.
Since this conjunction gives intuition and one might see people coming up to seek advice from the native.

In fact, during the adverse dasha/transit native’s partnerships and home life could also get affected apart from affecting the job or business directly by sudden changes like transfers or change of profession completely.
Here the house of happiness/luxuries is also getting impacted so one can expect some difficult times due to the malefic effect of the conjunction, if Saturn owns the house the effects would be less severe.

Saturn Ketu in 11th house of the birth chart and Marriage /Married life:

This conjunction will affect more if Saturn happens to be the 1st lord or the 7th lord in the horoscope then it would mean that the 1st lord or the 7th lord is directly conjunct with a malefic Ketu which will reduce the marital bliss from the native’s life to a great extent.

Since the conjunction directly aspects the 5th house of progeny. In general, the native will have multiple love interests which surely cannot be serious as Rahu will bring those into the life of the native and this can cause serious issues in real partnership of the native. Again, Saturn will put a stop to most of those from moving for a long time.

Since the reclusive personality-giving conjunction also aspects the ascendant through Saturn, the native will be serious internally but the affairs will be there for the bodily desires only that will stop the person from getting into a long-term serious relationship. Other than that, natives might get cheated by the circle of friends since Ketu is placed along with Saturn in the 11th house.

One might decide not to get married at all if the 7th lord is also afflicted by malefic planets. Natives might marry very late as well because the 7th house gets the 10th aspect of Saturn.

Saturn Ketu in 11th house of the birth chart and Health:

This conjunction can give the habit of drinking smoking or drugs as it takes away any shyness from a person and an individual is ready to live a very uncommon life not bothered about the world and its ways.
Saturn’s conjunction with Ketu aspects the ascendant and that can give the native a habit of either smoking, drinking or both. This conjunction would also affect the liver and the stomach of a person. The digestion could be bad/poor.

The aspect of the conjunction gives leg issues around the area of the shin and face issues. Legs of the native are sure to get the impact of the restricting/obstructing energy of Saturn and this will eventually come out in the walking of a person at later ages. This generally happens in old age and adverse dasha and transit where the person can get issues like Chronic/severe constipation, Liver related issues or stomach ulcers.

Surgical operation of the affected body parts in the native’s life will depend upon the age of the native along with the transit and dasha. For example, a man could undergo operations for piles or a person could get the plaster in the shin area.

Saturn Ketu in 11th house of the birth chart and Positive impact:

  • Natives are highly intuitive and deep thinkers.
  • Natives are not bothered by the results in general and are risk-takers.
  • Some of the natives can become not just stock traders but also very good astrologers and palmists as well.
  • Natives will be very hardworking and can into jobs involving secrecy like the investigation bureaus.

Saturn Ketu in 11th house of the birth chart and Negative impact:

  • Native personal life can suffer as they have bohemian energy operating in a very important house and they might turn more spiritualistic.
  • Natives might have to change their profession a few or many times.
  • The native might become very poor as well in adverse dasha and transit.
  • Natives could take up smoking or drinking and that could affect their health with either bad liver or ulcers.
  • Natives might have irreconcilable issues with their friends and siblings.
  • There would be surgical medical interventions in the native’s lifetime for issues that would be out of control for the native in this case of the stomach area or the excretory parts or the areas between knees and ankles.

Remedies for Saturn Ketu conjunction in the 11th house :

  1. Praying to Lord Shiva and chanting ‘Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra’ regularly.
  2. Wearing a blue sapphire only after consulting the deeply knowledgeable astrologer as it is the stone of Saturn.
  3. Feeding the crows and street dogs on Saturdays; it helps pacify Saturn and Planet Ketu.
  4. Donate sesame or sesame oil .
  5. Keep fasting on Saturdays.
  6. Wearing a ring made of iron in your middle finger as per the Lal Kitab.
  7. Prepare sure to avoid drinking alcohol and eating non-veg on Saturdays until if you want to never find peace.
  8. Help the elderly and fund the needy on Saturdays, which is also known as a good karma day.
  9. Circulate a Peepal tree while pouring water to it and do this seven times on every Saturday.
  10. Donate the poor or the temple of black cloth or any which is associated with planet Saturn.
FAQ: Saturn and Ketu in Eleventh House

Frequently Asked Questions for Saturn and Ketu in Eleventh House

What are general characteristics of Saturn and Ketu in eleventh house of birth chart?

Saturn will again bless the native with the wish fulfilment even if it happens with some delay or one may say at the right age only. Ketu placed here shows that a person has achieved the results of this house earlier in the past lives only and thus the focus goes to the 5th house of the horoscope.

What are the impact of Saturn and Ketu in eleventh house on career?

Natives would face lots of ups and downs in life. Career can be thus into marketing, multi-level marketing.

What are the impact of Saturn and Ketu in eleventh house on married life?

Since the conjunction directly aspects the 5th house of progeny. In general, the native will have multiple love interests which surely cannot be serious as Rahu will bring those into the life of the native and this can cause serious issues in real partnership of the native.

What are the impact of Saturn and Ketu in eleventh house on health?

The digestion could be bad/poor. The aspect of the conjunction gives leg issues around the area of the shin and face issues.

What are the best remedies for Saturn and Ketu in eleventh house?

1. Praying to Lord Shiva and chanting ‘Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra’ regularly.
2. Wearing a blue sapphire only after consulting a deeply knowledgeable astrologer as it is the stone of Saturn.
3. Feeding the crows and street dogs on Saturdays; it helps pacify Saturn and Planet Ketu.
4. Donate sesame or sesame oil.

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