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Rahu and Venus in tenth house and its impact on various aspect of life

In this blog we will discuss Rahu and Venus in 10th house of birth chart. What will be the general characteristics when Rahu and Venus conjunction in the tenth house,Rahu and Venus conjunction in 10th house impact on married life,Rahu and Venus conjunction in tenth house positive impact on native and negative impact on person.

What is Rahu and Venus Conjunction in birth chart ?

In our previous blog we have already discussed in detail . You can read our previous blog : What is Rahu and Venus conjunction in birth chart ?

Rahu and Venus conjunction in 10th house of birth chart and general characteristics :

Generally, Rahu-Venus in the 10th house desires to be on top of it all and loved for its profession. This person can be attractive and charming, and they may apply these qualities to reach high posts and careers of their liking. They are generally interested in luxury or material comforts.

At the same time, this conjunction is quite indulgent and may make one excessively concerned about gaining status and material profit to the detriment of good personal integrity and relationships. It can also make one reap financially through the arts and entertainment industries, but at the same time bring scandals in social and professional life.

Rahu and Venus together in the tenth house create a very powerful desire for career success and associated achievements. The native is pretty ambitious and not hesitant to take up risks in realizing those ambitions. This placement also brings a lot of charm that attracts people, which could benefit them in their professional life. The tenth house conjunction offers an intense interest in material comforts and luxuries, primarily focused on financial achievements.

On the other hand this conjunction can also attract scandals, particularly related to sex and finance, in their professional sphere. Such person having this aspect may reap financial rewards through the arts and entertainment industry, but it can be at the expense of what it is needed socially and professionally. The combination of astrological signs above may put more emphasis on material success than personal integrity and relationships, thus there is a need to strike the right balance so that no personal connections are severed or one's reputation tarnished.

Rahu and Venus conjunction in tenth house of birth chart and married life :

This conjunction can bring a partner who is equally good-looking but culturally different or perhaps socially lower to you, showing Rahu breaking norms. This connection can be full of the inclination toward luxury, comfort, and social status. The couple might enjoy a glamorous lifestyle, with a shared interest in material pleasures and societal recognition. This placement can also indicate a spouse who is supportive of the individual’s career ambitions, leading to a mutually beneficial partnership where both partners elevate each other’s status.

However, the Rahu-Venus conjunction in the 10th house can also bring challenges, particularly in the areas of marriage and relationships. Rahu’s influence can create a sense of restlessness or dissatisfaction in relationships, leading to unrealistic expectations or a constant desire for something more. This can cause instability in married life, where the pursuit of materialistic or social goals may overshadow emotional connection and intimacy.

Rahu's tendency to amplify desires can lead to extramarital affairs or temptations, especially if the individual seeks excitement or novelty outside the marriage. The relationship might suffer if there’s too much focus on public image or social status at the expense of genuine emotional bonding.

Rahu and Venus conjunction in 10th house of birth chart and career :

If Rahu Venus join in the 10th house, then it indicates arts, entertainment career, and luxury industries. This is a house of career and social image, and the entry of Rahu here could make one strongly desirous to become somebody in life. Moreover, if Venus is the lord of the 3rd house, then it makes you skilled in areas relevant to arts and luxury. Some other professions that may be beneficial to that native are business, finance, or politics, as the 10th house is about power and authority. A career should be viewed with an eye on the overall chart as well, based on what that person likes to do or is able to do.

Rahu and Venus conjunction in 10th house of birth chart and health:

This is not a very good placement of Rahu and Venus in the 10th house, but everything should be judged considering the planetary aspects, conjunctions, and time period. If they are related to some malefic planets, it could neutralize their qualities, so the overall chart must be considered. During transit, this will give significant positive or negative results based on one's lifestyle and personal well-being. Note that Rahu in the 10th house is very bad, potentially leading to illnesses related to the skin, blood, and respiratory system.

This could also mean issues with bones and teeth. Venus is at home in the 2nd house and can be considered a natural ruler of general well-being, but if placed in the 10th, it could signify that one's work or marketplace status may impact health. It could also denote a tendency to adopt bad habits, such as overeating, smoking, or drinking as a way of coping with stress and fitting in.

Rahu and Venus conjunction in 10th house of birth chart and positive impact:

A native may possess very strong personal magnetism that draws attention to them in professional or social circles. The potential for success in creative, artistic, or entertainment-related careers is high. There is a much higher chance of becoming famous or recognized in your field. The ability to think outside the box will lead to uniquely successful approaches to work.

They have a great desire and the ability to live a luxurious, comfortable life. A good public image enhances reputation and career prospects. The likelihood of forming beneficial partnerships supports career growth and social status. There is potential for significant financial success through creative or unconventional means. Excellent negotiation and diplomacy skills assist in career and public interactions.

Rahu and Venus conjunction in 10th house of birth chart and negative impact:

This is what leads to the temptation of corruption for career growth and financial gains. Authentic emotional connections in relationships generally go unheeded, as one becomes too caught up with status-driven behavior and vanity, honed after pressurized image-making. This can further degrade the quality of relationships by leading to extramarital affairs and a loss of depth in connection due to an overemphasis on materialism.

This search for power can lead to friction at home, with bosses, or even with the authorities. Personal integrity may be hard to balance against professional ambition, making one prone to scandals or controversies that could ruin a good name. A person may feel restless and unsatisfied in their career, leading to constant job changes. It becomes hard to distinguish between real wants and illusions, and other relationships are likely to fall apart because of their career or social engagements.


Remedies of Rahu and Venus in tenth house :

  • Such a person should donate blue and white items on Saturdays.
  • Such a person should offer sweets made with milk to crows on Saturdays.
  • Recite Venus Beej Mantra daily 108 times which is Om Shum Shukraya Namah.
  • Such a native with this conjunction in tenth house should feed stray dogs on daily basis during sunset.
  • Such a person should light a ghee lamp under a Peepal tree on Saturdays.
  • Avoid wearing black and blue clothes .
  • Worship Goddess Durga, offering red flowers on Fridays.
  • Fast on Fridays, consuming only one meal before sunset.
  • Avoid alcohol and non-vegetarian food, especially on Fridays and Saturdays.


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