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Rahu and Sun in second house and its impact on life

In this blog, we will discuss the impact of Rahu and Sun in second house, also known as the horoscope's house of savings. How will this conjunction affect health, married life, home/happiness and unexpected incidents in life with their positive or negative flavours and the best remedies?

What is the second house of the birth chart?

The 2nd house is also known as the money house (Dhan bhaav), the accumulated money that a person gets or makes. It also shows the family of the individual, since the family is the wealth of a person. Body wise the 2nd house represents the mouth and speech. This house shows what the person feels for wealth in his life. This also shows the initial upbringing of a person.

What is the Rahu and Sun conjunction in Astrology?

We have discussed about this in our previous blog in very detail,you can read our previous blog : What is Rahu and Sun conjunction in astrology ?

Rahu and Sun conjunction in second house of the birth chart General characteristics:

In the second house of birth chart Rahu is considered to be in a friend’s house Venus as in Kaal Purush Kundli natural lord of second house is Venus.More technically if we analyse this conjunction,then we can take it in three steps. As Rahu will enter the second house from the 3rd house as it always moves in retrograde motion on the other hand Sun will enter the zodiac from the 1st house.

Here we are not cosidering the three phases to analyse the birth chart as it depends on person to person.
We will consider that both are at same power and with same degrees here.

Second house which is considered the house from where the person attain his first education, conjunction of Rahu and Sun in 2nd house here creates hinderances in attaining that education, there are chances that such a child move away from the family during early childhood,chances that he will attain his education in boarding school,chances that his parents may face losses due to some reason and they have to sell that ancestral property or may be some other reason in life.

Conjunction of Rahu and Sun in 2nd house creates hinderance in achieving materialistic world pleasures and this conjunction create stress when the person run after money or to achieve his goals in life.
This house also control the wealth in the form of stocks,jewelery and inheritance,due to which during dasha period of Rahu it impacts in a negative manner on the native. He may face losses in inherited property and assets.

This conjunction creates debt related issues as well and such person may face difficulties in returning thoses debts or loans in life.

This Rahu and Sun conjunction in 2nd house creates difficulties in managing relation with close relatives like uncles, aunts,grandparents,cousins such a person may face tussle on day to day basis with close relatives or may be some litigation as well.
Now discuss on the other aspect of this Rahu and Sun conjunction in second house ie. on speech and eating habits of such a person.

This conjunction makes the native speech very rough,if such a person born during dasha period of Rahu or Sun and aspected by some malefic on the second house, then such a child may face some speech related issues since birth. There are also chances of stammering of such a child.
Such a person may speak lie to get his work done.

On the other hand there are chaces that such a person may be the speaker of multiple languages or several foreign languages.

Rahu and Sun in 2nd house creates some bad eating and food related habits in the natives.Such a person may eat non vegetarian food even if he is born in a vegetarian family. Such a person may have habit of drinking and smoking,this conjunction may make the person drug addict as well if afflicted.
Such a person may not have any discipline related to eating habits or having food,he may eat anything at any place at any time,which creates disease to such a person in very early age of life.

Rahu and Sun conjunction in second house may become the reason of depression and frequent headaches to the person.

Rahu and Sun conjunction is in the 2nd House of birth chart and career:

Rahu and Sun in second house makes the person research oriented,shrewed & orator. Profession which suits such person are researchers,property consultant,public dealing job,language translator,online trading & analyst. Rahu and Sun aspect will be on the 8th house from the second house due to which this conjunction may give some sudden unexpected gains in career. Also jobs / professions like astrology, detective, research will also suit such native.

Rahu and Sun in the 2nd house of birth chart and Marriage /Married life:

Rahu and Sun in the 2nd house is not considered favourable for married life. Such a person may have habit of over reacting or little explosive in nature.Such a person may speak without thinking about it.He don't care about others' emotion, due to which such person may face challenges in married life on daily basis.
Such person may face challenges with relatives and from family members.
Such person may lives away from family , get transferrable jobs,may get job away from birth place. He may face disputes with his family.

You can also read : Rahu and Sun in first house and its impact on life.

Rahu and Sun conjunction in the 2nd house of birth chart and Health:

When Rahu and Sun is in 2nd house,such person may face eyes related issues or he may be born in a family which have heridety eyes related issues.
As age progress, such person may suffer from disease like lower abdomen area,sexual organs,depression,skin rashes, & pimples.
Such person may suffer from negative energies and face illusions in mind.

If women have this conjunction, they may have problems related to menstruation cycle. They may also put on a lot of weight post-pregnancy.

Rahu and Sun conjunction in the 2nd House of birth chart and Positive impact:

  • Native may earn via goverment sources.
  • Native’s face may has magnetic attraction.
  • Native may be diplomatic and false speaker.
  • Native may be very ambitious and egoistic by nature.
  • This conjunction makes the person full of self confidence.
  • Such a person may enjoy lavish life.
  • Such a person may enjoy foreign tours in life.
  • Such a person may be intellectual.

Rahu and Sun conjunction is in the 2nd House of birth chart and Negative impact:

  • Such a person may be hype creator or master in making rumors.
  • Such a person doesn’t steady on his own speech.
  • Such a person may be harsh speaker .
  • Such a person may be selfish,short in temper and full with false ego.
  • Such a person may be shameless and suspicious in nature.
  • Such a person may have unhappy family life.
  • Such a person's family member has confusion and hypocrisy with each others.
  • Such a person's father doesn’t able to sustain his grandfather's name and fame.
  • Native may has unstable financial conditions.
  • Such a person may face instable career.
  • Such a person may be a poor decision maker.
  • Such a person may face losses of ancestral property.

Remedies for Rahu and Sun conjunction in the second house :

  1. Chant Rahu beej mantra daily 108 times after sunset.
  2. Donate wheat and jaggery on Sundays.
  3. Donate black sesame seeds and black clothes on Saturdays.
  4. Wear a Gomed (Hessonite) only after analyzing your birth chart. You can ask our expert for this.
  5. Feed dogs on a daily basis.
  6. Keep a bowl of water near your bed daily and throw that water outside your house the next morning.
  7. Perform "Pitru Tarpan" on Amavasya.
  8. Avoid consuming alcohol and non-vegetarian food on Sundays and Saturdays.
FAQ: Rahu and Sun in Second House

Frequently Asked Questions for Rahu and Sun in Second House

What are general characteristics of Rahu and Sun in second house of birth chart?

Second house which is considered the house from where the person attain his first education, conjunction of Rahu and Sun in 2nd house here creates hinderances in attaining that education, there are chances that such a child move away from the family during early childhood, chances that he will attain his education in boarding school, chances that his parents may face losses due to some reason and they have to sell that ancestral property or may be some other reason in life.

What are the impact of Rahu and Sun in 2nd house on career?

Rahu and Sun in second house makes the person research oriented, shrewd & orator. Profession which suits such person are researchers, property consultant, public dealing job, language translator, online trading & analyst.

What are the impact of Rahu and Sun in 2nd house on married life?

Rahu and Sun in the 2nd house is not considered favourable for married life. Such a person may have habit of overreacting or be a little explosive in nature. Such a person may speak without thinking about it. He doesn't care about others' emotions.

What are the impact of Rahu and Sun in 2nd house on health?

When Rahu and Sun are in the 2nd house, such person may face eyes related issues or he may be born in a family which have hereditary eyes related issues.

What are the positive impact of Rahu and Sun in second house of birth chart?

1. Native may earn via government sources.
2. Native’s face may have magnetic attraction.
3. Native may be diplomatic and a false speaker.
4. Native may be very ambitious and egoistic by nature.

What are the negative impact of Rahu and Sun in second house of birth chart?

1. Such a person may be a hype creator or master in making rumors.
2. Such a person doesn’t steady on his own speech.
3. Such a person may be a harsh speaker.
4. Such a person may be selfish, short-tempered and full with false ego.

What are the best remedies for Rahu and Sun in second house?

1. Chant Rahu beej mantra daily 108 times after sunset.
2. Donate wheat and jaggery on Sundays.
3. Donate black sesame seeds and black clothes on Saturdays.

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