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Rahu and Sun in 10th house and its impact on life

In this blog, we will discuss the impact of Rahu and Sun in 10th house. How will this yuti (conjunction) affect health, married life, home/happiness and unexpected incidents in life with their positive or negative flavours and the best remedies?

What is the tenth house of the birth chart?

The tenth house, also known as the Midheaven or MC (Medium Coeli), is the highest point in the birth chart and represents the individual's public image, career, and reputation. It is the house of social status, ambition, and career goals. It is associated with the individual's sense of authority, ambition and their ability to achieve their goals in life.

What is the Rahu and Sun conjunction in Astrology?

We have discussed about this in our previous blog in very detail,you can read our previous blog : What is Rahu and Sun conjunction in astrology ?

Rahu and Sun conjunction in the 10th house of the birth chart General characteristics:

When this placement happens in tenth house from where it has direct aspect on fourth house, also Rahu aspect on the second house and sixth house.

The 10th house is traditionally related to career, social status, and accomplishment so it is powerful here in these departments of life. Sun represents soul, self, ego, importance and life. Naturally, when it is put in the 10th house, it is going to increase one's drive for success and recognition.

Due to this conjunction in tenth house it creates dissatisfaction in career and force the person to take some quick decisions which are against his / her career. Such decisions create mental stress to such native in the future which impact his / her health as well as career both.

Those individuals often exhibit characteristics of leadership and a want to place themselves in a position of power and influence. They are ambitious, daring, and focused on their objectives. That placement can catapult them into positions of prominence within their career fields, which sometimes comes with more ambition to build a lasting mark. For the Sun with Rahu, Rahu being the one with unlimited desires, twisted, serves to magnify the qualities of the Sun.

This often creates a strong compulsion to be a professional success, even if it means doing so within society's established norms. This person may crave fame and may be willing to take risks to achieve what they want. Rahu too can bring opportunities out of nowhere which also change the course of their career and push them towards immense growth and high status as well.

This conjunction aspect the fourth house due to which it force the person to go away from the birth place or from his / her parents . In the fourth house Ketu is placed which support this condition as well. Otherwise such placement create mental stress at home too.

There are challenges, however, that this conjunction can also present. There is a possibility that under the influence of Rahu the individual may become over ambitious and may end up in situations which will put them in some or other ethical dilemma where they have to manipulate situations for their gains. They may feel constant restlessness and dissatisfaction due to the fact that Rahu's energy is never completely satisfied.

This, in return, can cause a lot of stress and anxiety because they hope to be treated the way they want and by not being treated in the way big factors play into at end up being disappointed. This person must not only find a balance between their ambition and their ethical concerns, but also that their success cannot be at the expense of their integrity.

Rahu and Sun conjunction is in the 10th House of birth chart and career:

Rahu with Sun occupying the tenth bhava ( house ) of the birth chart - When Sun and Rahu get to meet in the tenth house of the birth chart, it can reflect a strong ambition and desire for work with respect to public image and recognition. The person may crave recognition and respect by those in their professional field. Just as well, they tend to wear the trousers and assert themselves as a leader. In this placement, some of the career options that can be very fitting with which it would align are the fields where leadership, power, making a name for themselves occupy a very vital role, for example:

  • Politics
  • Business
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Being at the top management of a company
  • Law or related to law
  • Public relations or advertising
  • Media or journalism

And people can become more power-hungry or fame-hungry types, which can make them obsessed with what image they have portrayed in public or may want the public to see, and hence we see people pursuing acting, public figures, etc.

Rahu and Sun conjunction in the 10th house of birth chart and Marriage /Married life:

It indicates that they might be too much in control or domineering in nature which can result in friction or estrangement in the marriage. They can also have a tendency to be dishonest, and to play dirty in their campaign to get what they want out of this relationship, which in turn causes trust issues in the marriage. Furthermore, a person may concentrate more on his public image & reputation which may even result into ignorance towards his married life and family.

Due to the presence of Ketu in the fourth house and aspect of Rahu and Sun in the tenth house creates stress and conflicts at home. Such a person won't feel happy at their parent's house.

They may also hold unreasonable expectations of their relationships due to their desire for a mature, ambitious, committed partner and their consequent disappointment. The person may also attract unsuitable partners who are not supportive of the career or who are not respected in society, and this can lead to conflicts in the marriage and difficulties, as well. To work on time, they may have fail in managing professional life and personal one.

Rahu and Sun conjunction is in the 10th house of birth chart and Health:

If in the birth chart Rahu and Sun are placed in 10th house together then it can also indicate health issues related to the heart, eyes, and general vibrancy mills to be taken care of. This individual may also be experiencing increased levels of stress and even anxiety from over-reaching in their ambition for success.

Since the Sun is the significator of the heart, the circulatory system, and general vitality, when conjunct with Rahu it tends to create health problem related with these, for example heart disease, high blood pressure and problems of the circulatory system. The sun also represents the eyes and as this is a conjunction it could mean that the native could have cataract, glaucoma or anything wrong with the eyes. It may also be prone to skin problems like rashes or sunburns.

Furthermore, Rahu symbolizes stress & anxiety as well as obsession: their desire to achieve drives the individual mad as there is the conjunction of that stress along with Sun; the person is always stressed and anxious because of their urge to be always successful. This can take the form of an unhealthy work-life balance, or even of an overworking culture which can lead to burnout.

You can also read: Rahu and Sun in 12th house and its impact on life.

Rahu and Sun conjunction in the 10th House of birth chart and Positive impact:

  • Such a person is very ambitious , career-oriented and image conscious.
  • Such a native may have a need or desire to be distinguished and honored in your chosen career or domain.
  • Such person might feel powerful or in possession of leadership qualities.
  • This conjunction makes the person very influential in commercial contexts.
  • This aspect can also signal a deep rooted desire for power & fame which could make them overly obsessed with their image and how they are being perceived publicly.
  • The individual wants to be known and appreciated in their career.
  • Such individuals can get good opportunities in politics, business, or another power - fame & fortune level of profession.

Rahu and Sun conjunction is in the 10th House of birth chart and Negative impact:

  • One potential downside is a tendency to be aggressive and forceful by default, and this can lead to friction and disputes within colleagues and with figures of authority in the workplace.
  • Another consequence is that the individual will be arrogant and will misunderstand their own abilities and this may cause them conflicts and problems in their professional life. Further, this combination hints towards falseness, cheatings and underhand methods to meet the ends, making him become conceided who may hamper his image and professional life. He may involve in maintaining their public image and reputation which eventually leads to ignoring his family and personal life; which can lead to problems in the marriages and relationships.
  • This aspect can also show a person who has a strong thirst for power and fame, which can also manifest into a preoccupation with how they are perceived by the public.
  • The person might feel a great need to have recognition and prestige in what they do in their work.
  • They might just as well go into politics, business or what have you - anything that can give them power, fame and reputation.
  • This can mean a lack of interest in your life and family, resulting in problems with your marriage or other relationships.

Remedies for Rahu and Sun conjunction in the tenth house :

  • Such person should keep away from any conflict at workplace.
  • Such person should not react on small small issues in career.
  • Chant Rahu beej mantra daily 108 times after sunset.
  • Such person should do job / business away from birth place.
  • Perform "Pitru Tarpan" on Amavasya.
  • Person should wear a yellow thread of cotton on right wrist.
  • Such person should feed dogs or fishes on daily basis after sunset.
FAQ: Rahu and Sun in Tenth House

Frequently Asked Questions for Rahu and Sun in Tenth House

What are general characteristics of Rahu and Sun in tenth house of birth chart?

The 10th house is traditionally related to career, social status, and accomplishment so it is powerful here in these departments of life. Sun represents soul, self, ego, importance and life. Naturally, when it is put in the 10th house, it is going to increase one's drive for success and recognition.

What are the impact of Rahu and Sun in tenth house on career?

Rahu with Sun occupying the tenth bhava (house) of the birth chart - When Sun and Rahu get to meet in the tenth house of the birth chart, it can reflect a strong ambition and desire for work with respect to public image and recognition. The person may crave recognition and respect by those in their professional field. Just as well, they tend to wear the trousers and assert themselves as a leader.

What are the impact of Rahu and Sun in 10th house on married life?

It indicates that they might be too much in control or domineering in nature which can result in friction or estrangement in the marriage. They can also have a tendency to be dishonest, and to play dirty in their campaign to get what they want out of this relationship, which in turn causes trust issues in the marriage. Furthermore, a person may concentrate more on his public image & reputation which may even result into ignorance towards his married life and family.

What are the impact of Rahu and Sun in tenth house on health?

If in the birth chart Rahu and Sun are placed in 10th house together then it can also indicate health issues related to the heart, eyes, and general vibrancy mills to be taken care of. This individual may also be experiencing increased levels of stress and even anxiety from over-reaching in their ambition for success.

What are the positive impact of Rahu and Sun in 10th house of birth chart?

- Such a person is very ambitious, career-oriented and image conscious.
- Such a native may have a need or desire to be distinguished and honored in your chosen career or domain.
- Such person might feel powerful or in possession of leadership qualities.

What are the negative impact of Rahu and Sun conjunction in tenth house of birth chart?

- One potential downside is a tendency to be aggressive and forceful by default, and this can lead to friction and disputes within colleagues and with figures of authority in the workplace.
- Another consequence is that the individual will be arrogant and will misunderstand their own abilities and this may cause them conflicts and problems in their professional life. Further, this combination hints towards falseness, cheatings and underhand methods to meet the ends, making him become conceited who may hamper his image and professional life.
- He may involve in maintaining their public image and reputation which eventually leads to ignoring his family and personal life; which can lead to problems in the marriages and relationships.

What are the best remedies for Rahu and Sun conjunction in tenth house?

- Such person should keep away from any conflict at workplace.
- Such person should not react on small small issues in career.
- Chant Rahu beej mantra daily 108 times after sunset.

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