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Rahu and Mars in 10th house and its impact on life

In this blog we will discuss the impact of Rahu and Mars in 10th house of birth chart and its impact on various aspect of life . When Rahu and Mars come together or conjuct in any of the houses in birth chart, Angarak Yoga or Angarak Dosha is formed. Mars is considered the source of energy and the planet of fire. On the other hand Rahu is a planet of illusions and negative emotions. As a result when these two planets make conjunction then their power increases tremendously than before.

If someone is having this yoga or dosha in the birth chart, a person can earn name and money with his hard work. He may face huge ups and down in life , which implies that this conjunction can have bad consequences.

What is the tenth house of the birth chart?

The 10th house is also known as the horoscope's house of Father (as per Western and some Indian astrologers), workplace, individual’s public image/reputation, profession and overall success that one will achieve.
It is opposite the 4th house so here there is no pleasure/emotion and it is all about work, profession and overall karma of a person. This brings out the work that a person is supposed to do and will do in their lifetime.

The body parts denoted by this house are the thighs and knees. The natural owner of this house is Saturn (Shani) as it directly relates to overall karma and Saturn is the Judge amongst the Planets/Vedic deities.
This house is very commonly known as the Karma bhava in Sanskrit (house of karma ) as it gives information about the Higher knowledge and religious aspects of one’s life. Here Sun gets a directional strength and Mars gets exalted

What is the Rahu Mars conjunction/combination in Astrology?

According to astrology, many types of dosha or yoga are formed in the birth chart which changes the life of people. Some unfavourable yogas or doshas are formed in the birth chart, due to which mental stress increases, career hindrances commence, problems and diseases persist, and failures increase. Vedic astrology; Eight yogas which are very malefic in nature only those eight yoga, that brings the problem only into once life. Angarak Dosha is with reference to these inauspicious yogas.

If Yoga is present in the birth chart, then that person has to accept harsh reality in his life otherwise he might have to suffer a lot of trouble for a long time. In fact, if Mars and Rahu are placed in any Zodiac or House, it becomes Angarak Yoga. This yoga makes a person’s behavior aggressive and overreactive so this is the main karaka of aggressiveness in someone's kundali. However, it also makes the person violent and negative in nature so that their decision-making power is affected adversely. Mars, a potent planet and also is fiery in Vedic astrology. This is also known as the commander-in-chief of the heavenly troops;

Mars is some person's/horoscopical energy. In astrology Mars is the owner of two very important houses: The first house (house of birth) and the 10th house (house of death). And do you know what is Mars? Mars is the planet that any and every person in this world gives energy to do whatever they want. It is the only planet that relates with any type of physical and contentious activity. Here, attitude or nature represents the daring one. Eventually, it shows all of that “sexual desire” which is fundamentally physical in essence. Therefore, it takes the name of an army chief as if it shows that combative spirit or competitive spirit for any individual.

This yoga is formed when Mars comes with Rahu If this yoga is forming money related problems or if this yoga is being formed in the birth chart of a woman, then problems related to progeny have to be faced.
Mars is a planet of fire element, then Rahu affects the air element. Such person try to keep himself away from negative thought and should do meditation.

Rahu Mars conjunction in the 10th house of the birth chart General characteristics:

This place is exalted for Mars and in Kaal Purush Kundli the lord of the house is Saturn,which makes Rahu feels happy in tenth house. Conjunction of Rahu Mars in 10th house makes the person mentally and physically strong. Such a person may be brave and courageous. Such a person may be fully energetic and can be capable of doing any physical work.

From the childhood,the energy of such a person should be channelized in activities like sports or outdoor games,which will make the person achieve great heights in sports or armed forces.
The aspect of this conjunction is on the 4th house which creates mental stress at home.Such a person will not feel happy at birth place and would be happy outside.Similarly,such a person will get the fruits of the hard work away from birth place or abroad.

He may get a job or business in which he has to travel a lot or he may get a transferrable job.
Such a person may face unstable professional life and due to Rahu such a person may face illusions in mind and unable to take decision related to career. If such a person won't get guidance on right time, then it will be difficult to get into a stable career.

He may be having good risk taking capability. When Rahu Mars in 10th house,then the person relation is not that cordial with mother.His mother may face diseases and may be some uncurable disease. If aspected by some malefic planet on the tenth house, then death of mother is also possible.
Such a person may be very harsh,anti social,short tempered and cruel in nature.Such a person may have suspected personality and of secretive nature.

Rahu Mars conjunction is in the 10th House of birth chart and career:

Such a person should get proper guidance from the childhood so that energy of Rahu and Mars can be utilized and given direction,otherwise this may create huge upheavel in the life of the person.
Due to presence of this Rahu Mars conjunction in 10th house,professions which require high level of energy suits such a person. Such professions like sports,military, police or security force,travelling job,dancing or such type jobs. If the degree or power of Rahu in this house is more than person may also become surgeon,doctor, and chemical industry. If aspected by some malefic then he may get involved in some illegal activities like alcohol or drug dealer etc.

Rahu Mars conjunction/combination is in the 10th house of birth chart and Marriage /Married life:

Such a person with Rahu and Mars in tenth house will go against the parents and can do marriage against their wish.
Placement of Mars Rahu in 10th house is not favourable for marriage and married life.This conjunction may create delay in marriage.This conjunction may be responsible for multiple relations but not the serious ones. Such a person may have high sexual desires.
Such a person may be involved in extra marital affairs, if afflicted can do multiple marriages as well.

Rahu Mars conjunction/combination is in the 10th house of birth chart and Health:

Rahu Mars conjunction in 10th house may effect the lungs,heart and create blood related issues.Such a person may be prone to pollutants very quickly. May also suffer from joint pains,arthritis,blood pressure and breast cancer in women.
This conjunction can cause horomonal disorder in women,especially during the dasha period of Rahu.
If Rahu dasha period starts after the age of 40,then such person should take special care about blood related issues and heart problems. It may cause sudden blockages in heart vaulves and can cause cardiac arrest.

Rahu Mars conjunction in the 10th House of birth chart and Positive impact:

  • Such a person may be very hard working.
  • Such a person are very courageous and can handle any situation in life very easily.
  • Such a person may have very high level of energy.
  • Such a person may have positive attitude towards life.
  • Such a person may have multiple houses and enjoy lavish life.
  • Such a person may have many servants.
  • Such a person may be head of big institutes.

Rahu Mars conjunction/combination is in the 10th House of birth chart and Negative impact:

  • Such a person may be very harsh and rude.
  • Such a person may be arrogant.
  • Such a person won't listen to others.
  • Such a person may take wrong decisions in life.
  • Such a person's mother may face diseases in life which may be incurable.
  • Such a person may be wicked in nature.
  • Such a person may involved in illegal activities.
  • Such a person may be anti social.
  • Such a person may have unstable mind.
  • Such a person may face huge ups and down in career.

Remedies for Rahu Mars conjunction in the tenth house :

  • Feed dogs on every Saturdays.
  • Avoid wearing black or blue clothes.
  • Donate mustard oil on Saturdays .
  • Serving and respecting your mother can mitigate negative effects.
  • Refrain from consuming alcohol and non-vegetarian food.
  • Donate red lentils on Tuesdays.
  • Keep a glass of water under your bed at night and pour it on a plant in the morning.
  • Offer sweets to ants on a regular basis.
  • Chant the Rahu Beej Mantra ("Om Bhram Bhreem Bhroum Sah Rahave Namah") 108 times daily.
  • Donate black sesame seeds, mustard oil, and blue or black clothes to the needy on Saturdays.
  • Conduct Navagraha Homa (a fire ritual for all nine planets) for overall planetary peace.
  • Donate ash gourd (white pumpkin) to a temple on Tuesdays.
  • Keep a Tulsi plant at home and worship it daily to mitigate the effects of Rahu.

Frequently Asked Questions for Rahu and Mars in Tenth House

What are general characteristics of Rahu and Mars in tenth house of birth chart?
This place is exalted for Mars and in Kaal Purush Kundli the lord of the house is Saturn, which makes Rahu feel happy in the tenth house. Conjunction of Rahu Mars in 10th house makes the person mentally and physically strong. Such a person may be brave and courageous. Such a person may be fully energetic and can be capable of doing any physical work.
What are the impact of Rahu and Mars in 10th house on career?
Due to the presence of this Rahu Mars conjunction in the 10th house, professions which require a high level of energy suit such a person. Such professions include sports, military, police or security force, traveling jobs, dancing, or similar jobs. If the degree or power of Rahu in this house is more, the person may also become a surgeon, doctor, or work in the chemical industry.
What are the impact of Rahu and Mars in 10th house on married life?
Such a person will go against their parents and may marry against their wishes. The placement of Mars Rahu in the 10th house is not favorable for marriage and married life.
What are the impact of Rahu and Mars in 10th house on health?
Rahu Mars conjunction in the 10th house may affect the lungs, heart, and create blood-related issues. Such a person may be prone to pollutants very quickly. They may also suffer from joint pains, arthritis, blood pressure, and breast cancer in women.
What are the best remedies for Rahu and Mars in tenth house?
  • Feed dogs on every Saturday.
  • Avoid wearing black or blue clothes.
  • Donate mustard oil on Saturdays.
  • Serving and respecting your mother can mitigate negative effects.
  • Refrain from consuming alcohol and non-vegetarian food.
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