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Gemini Horoscope May 2024

In this blog, we are going to discuss about the Gemini horoscope May 2024 . During the month of May 2024, there will be very important transit of Jupiter and Jupiter is going to transit in your 12th house of birth chart due to which this transit plays very crucial role in your life.

Gemini Horoscope May 2024 - Career

Period from 1st to 14th of May :

Your birth chart will look like this as you can see here

During the current period, Rahu Mars conjunction that is Angara Yoga is there in the 10th house of your birth chart, Saturn is in Aquarius in the house of luck and Jupiter is in the 12th house of birth chart, Sun Venus is currently positioned in the 11th house that is the house of profit. Now let's move forward and discuss what will be the impact of all these planetary position on your career. Let's first take Rahu and Mars conjunction, Rahu Mars conjunction in the 10th house may create some hurdles or some challenges in your career, Rahu Mars conjunction may create some conflict with your colleagues or with your seniors.

So you have to be very careful and avoid any sort of heated arguments during this particular period. Otherwise, this period may create, may tarnish your image at your workplace. Also if you are into business, then you have to be very careful as during this period there are chances that you may face some conflict with your partners as well.

People who are into real estate, then aspect of Rahu Mars conjunction on the 4th house will give you some positive result here. Such people may get some returns from their previous investment which were done in the past in real estate. If you are planning to renovate your house, if you are planning to purchase any vehicle or if you are planning to invest in some asset, then this period and this aspect of Rahu Mars will give you some fruitful result here because they are going to reduce the negative impact of Ketu as Ketu in the 4th house may absorb the property of the 4th house which belongs to our assets, which belongs to our home related issues.

On other hand, Rahu Mars conjunction here may take you away from your family, may take you away from your birthplace. There are also chances that your travel may increase related to your career or related to your business. There are also chances that you may visit foreign land or if you are planning to move abroad, then this will be the suitable time for that as well.

Now, let's discuss about the Sun and Venus conjunction here. Sun-Venus in the 11th house, that is the house of profit. Venus is the lord of the 5th house.

That means Venus is the most important planet in your birth chart. That is the Gemini ascendant horoscope. Current period, that is Sun is placed in Aries and in Aries, Sun is in exalted position due to which this period will give you fruits of your hard work.

That means if you have been facing some challenges in getting the results of your hard work, then this period will give you those fruitful results. People who have been facing some challenges in getting their promotion, then it will reduce here. There are chances that you may get some opportunities from your social circle as well.

Saturn placed in the 9th house, that means this is the lord of the house of fortune, which makes Saturn very, very positive in Gemini ascendant horoscope and this transit of Saturn will bring good luck to you as well.
In Aquarius, Saturn is in Mool-Trikona Rashi, that is in Mool-Trikona sign in Vedic astrology. So Saturn transit in 9th house will bring you good luck. This will increase your confidence level as it is aspecting the 3rd house here.

Saturn placement in the 9th house will also give you opportunities for travel. These opportunities may be related to the foreign land and currently Rahu is placed in the 4th house and Saturn in the 9th house will bring some opportunities related to foreign land and on the above Jupiter is also transiting in your 12th house during the current transit. So it is very, very favorable period for those who are looking some opportunities abroad.

If you have been searching job abroad, if you want to settle abroad, then this period will give you very, very positive results here, very, very auspicious results here. On the other hand, since Saturn is placed in the 9th house, so if you do some sort of charity from your parental property, then this period will bring more positive results to you. Now let's discuss the most important transit of this year, that is Jupiter.

Jupiter is going to transit in your 12th house of birth chart from where Jupiter is going to aspect the 6th house, the 4th house and the 8th house of birth chart. Jupiter placement in the 12th house will bring good results to such natives who are working in some isolation. That means, if you are doing some research work, if you are doing some work related to astrology, if you are a dharma guru, if you are a preacher, if you are into certain work where you have to do some job behind the scenes, then this period will bring very, very good opportunity to you.

As Jupiter is aspecting your 8th house, that means the hidden aspect of life, so people or professionals who are into psychological therapy, such natives will be getting very good result here. Due to the aspect of Jupiter here on the 8th house, you will be getting some fruits of your previous investment and people who are into some financial management, professionals who are into such business or professionals who are into such work where the things are very unpredictable, then this aspect of Jupiter will give them very, very fruitful results like in share trading, like in financial investments, like in cryptocurrency, if we say in the current scenario, then in such cases, this period will give you some unexpected results here.

Period from 14th to 18th of May:

Your birth chart will look like this. As you can see here, during this period, Sun will transit in the 12th house and Mercury is transiting in the 11th house. So this is one of the most important transit now.

Why? See, Mercury, which is the lord of your 4th house as well as the house of Lagna and Venus, Venus, which is the lord of the 5th house is currently transiting in your house of Prophet. That means the house which relates to our materialistic desire. So this is the period when your materialistic desire will be fulfilled.

That means if you have been planning to purchase some land, purchase some asset, purchase some vehicle, anything like that, then that will be fulfilled here. There are chances that you may get very, very fruitful results of your previous hard work. There are chances that if you have been facing some challenges in your promotion, then that will be removed here.

Also, it is going to give you very good results related to share trading as well in some financial sector as well, in some media related job as well, in some creative work. Because Mercury and Venus, which is the lord of the 5th house, will give you certain good results, certain positive results in such fields, such professions. On the other hand, if you talk about the Sun transit, Sun is transiting in your 12th house, which may create some disturbances related to your career.

Avoid doing any hasty decision. Avoid taking any decision in a hurry or in anger because Rahu-Mars conjunction in the 10th house may create certain disturbances in mind, may give you some instability in mind related to your career. There are chances that you may take some hasty decision and currently Sun, which is the Atmakarka is currently transiting in the 12th house.

So, this transit of Sun, the Jupiter is in a combust position and it is going to reduce the positive impact of Jupiter as well. So, be a little careful here. What will be the impact of this transit on your health, which is very important.

Period from 18th to 31st of May:

Your birth chart will look like this as you can see here,

during this period, Venus will be transiting in your 12th house of birth chart in Taurus. Conjunction of Venus and Jupiter in the 12th house may create some disturbances in your family life, especially in your married life, which are going to discuss later section of our video. Due to the conjunction of these three planets in the 12th house, this conjunction will give you some positive results related to some import export business.

If you are doing some online business as well, if you are doing some business related to Internet, then this position of Venus, Sun and Jupiter will give positive result in that as well. Currently, Venus is transiting in the 12th house. That means the lord of the 5th house is transiting in the 12th house.

That means it may create some disturbances as well in your mind. It may create some instability in your mind due to which you may face some challenges in your career as well as in your business. So be little careful here.

Gemini Horoscope May 2024 - Health :

During the current period, Rahu Mars conjunction is there in the 10th house of birth chart due to which there are chances that you will face some bones related issues.

Also, the skin related issues may increase here during this period. This aspect is in the 4th house of birth chart due to which people who are suffering from bronchitis or some other lungs or heart related issues, then they have to be little careful. If you are suffering from high cholesterol level, then be little careful here.

On the other hand, as per Gemini horoscope may 2024 period from 14th to 31st of May, the transit of three planets will be there in your 12th house, which may create some stress in your mind due to which there are chances that people who are suffering from depression and anxiety or sleep disorders, such problems may increase a lot during this period. Also, this aspect will be on the 6th house due to which your muscular problems may increase if you are suffering from some cervical spondylitis. If you are suffering from backbone related issue, then such problems may increase during this period, that is after 14th of May.

So be little careful here. Also, if you talk about your health, then period from 27th to 29th of May when moon will transit from your 8th house, then this period may create some trouble related to your stomach as well. Avoid eating outside food or more spicy food during this particular period.

Gemini Horoscope May 2024 - Finances :

Jupiter transit in the 12th house is not so favorable for your finances. It may create some instability in your mind, which may create some trouble when we talk about the management of your finances.

That means due to instability in mind, you may take some wrong decision related to your finances. So be little careful here, otherwise it may create more trouble in the coming period. Also period after 14th of May when Venus and Mercury conjunction will be there in your 11th house, that period will bring some stability in your finances.

There are chances that you may get some multiple earning opportunity during this particular period. Also period from 13th to 14th of May and 20th to 21st of May will be good period for your finances. There are chances that you may get some unexpected financial gains during this particular period.

On the other hand, period from 22nd to 24th of May is not so favorable for your finances. During this period, there are chances that your expenses may increase suddenly and these expenses may be related to your health issues. So be little careful here as well.

Gemini Horoscope May 2024 - Love and Romance Life :

Period from 1st to 10th of May is not so favorable related to your love and relationship.

Period from 10th to 18th of May will be favorable for your love and relationship and during this period, bonding with your partner will increase. There are chances that you may go to some romantic places during this particular period. But period after 18th of May will create some trouble in your relationship because the lord of the 5th house will be transiting in your 12th house of birth chart i.e. Venus which may create some misunderstanding with your partner.

So be little careful here otherwise this period may create more trouble in your relationship and also may create some huge differences between you. So it is advisable not to take any decision in a hurry or not to react on small small issue during this particular period. On the other hand, people who are single then period from 20th to 21st of May and 13th to 14th of May will be favorable period for you.

During this period, there are chances that you may meet someone who have some emotions for you and during this period, there are chances that your romance life may get started.

Gemini Horoscope May 2024 - Family Life :

Currently the lord of your 7th house is transiting in your 12th house due to which this period may be not so favorable when we talk about your married life. Also period after 18th of May when Sun and Venus and Jupiter conjunction will be there in the 12th house is not so favorable for your married life. There are chances that you won't be able to give some time to your married life.

There are chances that you have to travel a lot during this particular period because of the Rahu Mars conjunction in the 10th house of birth chart which may impact your married life in a negative manner. So be little careful here and try to balance your work life otherwise this period may create some stress in your married life. So be little careful here.

Currently Rahu Mars conjunction is there in the 4th house of birth chart. So there are chances that you may face some conflict with your in-laws. Also due to the aspect of this conjunction on the 4th house and Ketu is placed in the 4th house there are chances that you may face some conflict with your mother as well.

During this period there are also chances that you may face some health issues of your mother. Period after 14th of May there are also chances that you will face some conflict with your father as well and these conflict may be due to some misunderstanding among you. Also this period is not so favourable when we talk about the health of your father.

Period from 1st to 18th of May will be favourable period when we talk about the relation with your children. If any conflict was going on in the past with your children then that will reduce here. But after 18th of May try to avoid any argument with your children or try not to impose any decision on your children otherwise there are chances that you may face some clashes with your children.

Gemini Horoscope May 2024 Clothing :

Avoid wearing yellow coloured clothes as well during the month of May. If you wear white coloured clothes from 1st to 18th of May specially period from 13th to 14th of May or 20th to 21st of May then that will bring you good luck that will give you some mental peace during these particular days.

Gemini Horoscope May 2024 - Remedies :

Chant Rahu Beej Mantra daily 108 times after sunset i.e. Om Brahm Bhrim Brom Seh Ravye Namaha.
You have to feed dogs or fishes daily after sunset.
Since Jupiter is transiting in your 12th house so you have to donate some stationary items or books to any needy person or to NGO specially on Thursdays.
Also you can donate yellow coloured clothes which will be of 1.25 meter of length to any NGO or to any needy person that will be on Thursday as well.

If you are facing some challenges in your married life or if you are facing challenges in getting married then Pradosh Vrat will be very very useful for you. Pradosh Vrat are very auspicious when we talk about any issue related to your marriage. Pradosh Vrat will be happening on 3rd of May and 20th of May.
On these days wake up before sunrise and keep fasting. On these days visit Lord Shiva temple and chant Om Namah Shivaya Mantra 108 times. Also read Shiva Chalisa during these days that will be very auspicious for you.

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