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Rahu and Saturn in 3rd house and its impact on life

In this blog we will discuss in complete detail about Rahu and Saturn conjunction in 3rd house and its impact on different aspect of life.

Continuing further from the prologue blog to Saturn Rahu conjunction, we now consider that you are aware of the basic characteristics of both planets if that is not the case we suggest you go and do a quick read of the prologue to this yuti (conjunction) published/posted earlier. Now in this blog, we will discuss the impact of Shani-Rahu yuti in the first house, also known as the horoscope's ascendant. How will this yuti (conjunction) affect health, married life, home/happiness and unexpected incidents in life with their positive or negative flavours and the best remedies?

What is the Third house of the birth chart?

The 3rd house is also known as the horoscope's house of courage, communication, and younger siblings. This is the first house of Kama trikon (lust). Thus, it also shows our basic inclinations. The natural owner of this house is Mercury with the symbol of a pair symbolising mates of either gender. This house also shows our immediate neighbours. It also shows interest or proficiency in gossip or media-related knowledge. It can give information about the neighbours of an individual and his relationship with them. Body wise the 3rd house represents the neck area, arms, collar bone upper chest and ears.

What is the Saturn and Rahu conjunction in Astrology?

A major part of this has been mentioned in the first blog of this series of Saturn and Rahu conjunction.

Saturn and Rahu conjunction in the 3rd house of the birth chart General characteristics:

Saturn is considered to be in a friend’s house when it in the 3rd house of the horoscope of natural order i.e. Kaal Purush Kundali because the owner of this house is Mercury, and Mercury is known to take the qualities of the planets that it is placed within the horoscope. Since the Element of this house is Air/Vayu Tattva. At the same time, this house forms the first house of the Kama Trikon. At the same time for the placement of Rahu, many astrologers claim that it is very happy here as once again it in its friend’s house and also in the house where its qualities match that of the house owner as Both these Planets take the qualities of their immediate placed planets and act and work like them.

One major difference between Mercury and Rahu is that Mercury doesn’t cause the darkness and is not volatile/explosive, unlike Rahu which is known to explode the qualities of the place where it is placed and acts as malefic by showing a totally new world to the one undergoing the yog o dasha of Rahu.
Now, once these two enter the same house i.e. 3rd house they will be at some distance from each other. Here the results would vary depending on the distance between them which has been discussed earlier as well.

The 3rd house is known to be a good placement for the functional malefic in a very natural manner i.e. 3rd house is considered to be good for Planets like Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. These malefic planets give good results as this is Kaliyug and These malefic give special strength to the individual with their placement in that house and the person overcomes any difficult time or dasha by his sheer willpower at times.

Thus, in a manner, this saves the house as well. At the same time if Saturn is malefic for the ascendant then the negative qualities will also tend to prevail and amplify, in this case, it would mean that the person could act as a daredevil and do things that are not right in a lawful manner.

This place tells information about a person’s willpower and younger siblings and this is also the house of publishing through written communication capabilities depiction by the individual. The place of the younger sibling as being occupied by Saturn they could face troubles in life.
The 3rd house is the house opposite to 9th house of religion and since Rahu in the 3rd will make Ketu occupy the 9th house so this person would have some religious stubbornness as well and can work for religion as well since Ketu is happy in a religious placement, especially that of Jupiter.
Since Saturn gives its 3rd aspect to the 5th house of children this person could face difficulties in getting the blessing of a child unless there are other mitigating factors like a good and powerful aspect from Jupiter.

Since the 9th house of luck is occupied by Ketu here such individuals cannot rely on luck for anything in their life and they must work towards their goal achievement without failure else they would not be able to fulfil the karma fulfilment of this Kama trikon house.
One more thing that can be said for the siblings is that since this becomes the 1st house for the younger siblings and their 7th house gets occupied by Ketu so they could face difficulties in getting married or they might lose interest in the institution of marriage.

This conjunction could have very good or bad results when both these two planets are in the middle part of the zodiac sign and have their full power to give their results. This is for the simple reason that any planet is said to be in its total youthful stage when it in the very middle part of any zodiac sign.
This conjunction should be watched very carefully, especially if one undergoes the dasha, Antardasha or pratyantar dasha of Shani in Rahu or Rahu in Shani.

Apart from the dasha while in transit if this combination forms anywhere in any zodiac sign thindividual could feel that energy related to the house where it is forming in the transit of planets.

Here a major thing that can be said is if Saturn controls and Rahu follows then there is a tenacious attitude in the person and this person works for success in a right lawful manner if it is the opposite then Rahu will take the person on a different trajectory and Saturn will eventually give the judgement for the karmas of the Rahu as done by Rahu.

This is an Airy place and Rahu is the smog/fog and can cause addiction towards smoking which could in turn result in issues with the lungs eventually over a period of time.

Saturn and Rahu conjunction in the 3rd House of birth chart and career:

Because this conjunction gives some shrewdness to a person, here it is being formed in the 3rd house the individual would be using this to its benefit to earn money. Through the media publications etc as it is the natural house of Mercury and communication. These individuals have a keen interest in the media and communications because of Rahu.

These individuals can get into the habit of petty politics as that is from gossip and this third house at a very low level relates to this office politics.
The initial formal education which can be seen from this house also gets affected by the placement of Saturn.
With other benefic conjunctions or aspects, a person can get into Government jobs as well with their hard work as well.

However, this conjunction primarily makes a person work towards learning some skillset and working for oneself and making money in that manner.

Saturn and Rahu conjunction in the 3rd house of birth chart and Marriage /Married life:

The individual would be more hardworking in the marriage partnership than the partner and more religious than the partner. That could become a bone of contention between the two partners.
Chances of a love marriage with this being successful are a little low as Saturn gives its 3rd aspect to the 5th house of love and romance and doesn’t let it prosper. Love marriage is possible only when other planets involved with the 1st, 5th and 7th house are more powerful and aspecting the 7th house of marriage with some aspect on the 5th house as well to make the love marriage possible.

Saturn and Rahu conjunction in the 3rd house of birth chart and Health:

This combination or any other combination gives any diseases depending upon the dasha and transit. Since this place is an airy place with Rahu placed here smoking addiction can lead to one facing the issue of cancer.

This Saturn also has its 10th aspect on the 12th house of the hospital, so individuals could have to frequent the hospitals as well for various ailments as given by other planets as well.

Apart from Lung disorders if the person becomes a drunkard (house of habits) because of developing a liking towards alcohol one could affect one’s liver in a very negative manner and this will be highly amplified if Jupiter is not in good dignity.

Saturn and Rahu conjunction in the 3rd House of birth chart and Positive impact:

  • A very hard-working person, who has a slow and steady inclination to learn new habits and ideas.
  • One learns not to rely on one’s luck and takes the karma yog path of Geeta.
  • If Saturn is good and leads this conjunction person is law-abiding and can get into government jobs as well.
  • This person if becomes an astrologer can give very accurate predictions and would not sell this clairvoyance for a mere money cut and could earn a livelihood through this.
  • The neighbours of one could also be very laborious or very well-versed in local politics.

Saturn and Rahu conjunction in the 3rd House of birth chart and Negative impact:

  • A lot of tug of war in the area of willpower and the winner decides the course of one’s life, in any case, hard work is the main and only outcome for thindividual.
  • A person can develop a daredevil attitude and take the less lawful path in life for business/livelihood.
  • Individuals and siblings suffer in life with difficulties that could be very serious.
  • Very low chances of one having a successful love affair.
  • The person is harsh in love affairs and with a very tone so a romantic angle would be missing.

Remedies for Saturn and Rahu conjunction in the third house :

  • Person has to do more hard work then normal to please Saturn.
  • Such person should never hurt the feelings of his / her subordinates or workers.
  • Such persons should donate dark blue colour clothes to needy persons once in a year on Saturday.
  • Such persons should never take gifts made of iron.
  • Recite the Hanuman Chalisa regularly .
  • Offer water to the Shiva Linga daily.
  • Keep donating black clothes, black sesame seeds, or iron on Saturdays.
  • Feed crows regularly.
  • Offer mustard oil to Shani Dev (Saturn) .
  • Keep chanting Rahu Beej Mantra ("Om Bhram Bhreem Bhroum Sah Rahave Namah") 108 times daily after Sunset.
  • Keep yourself away from from alcohol and non-vegetarian food especially on Saturdays.
FAQ: Rahu and Saturn in Third House

Frequently Asked Questions for Rahu and Saturn in Third House

What are general characteristics of Rahu and Saturn in third house of birth chart?

This place tells information about a person’s willpower and younger siblings and this is also the house of publishing through written communication capabilities depiction by the individual. The place of the younger sibling as being occupied by Saturn they could face troubles in life.

What are the impact of Rahu and Saturn in 3rd house on career?

These individuals can get into the habit of petty politics as that is from gossip and this third house at a very low level relates to this office politics.

What are the impact of Rahu and Saturn in 3rd house on married life?

The individual would be more hardworking in the marriage partnership than the partner and more religious than the partner. That could become a bone of contention between the two partners.

What are the impact of Rahu and Saturn in 3rd house on health?

This combination or any other combination gives any diseases depending upon the dasha and transit. Since this place is an airy place with Rahu placed here smoking addiction can lead to one facing the issue of cancer.

What are the best remedies for Rahu and Saturn in third house?

- Person has to do more hard work than normal to please Saturn.
- Such a person should never hurt the feelings of his/her subordinates or workers.
- Such persons should donate dark blue colored clothes to needy persons once a year on Saturday.
- Such persons should never take gifts made of iron.

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