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Cancer Horoscope June 2024

In this blog we will discuss in detail about Cancer Horoscope June 2024. During the month of June, there will be very important zodiac change of Mars and Mars is going to transit in your house of career and Mars is the lord of the 10th house as well and Mars is also the lord of the 5th house due to which transit of Mars always play a very crucial role in Cancer Ascendant Horoscope and in this video we are going to discuss in complete detail what will be the impact on various aspect of life of this particular transit.

Cancer Horoscope June 2024 :

During the period from 1st June to 14th June your birth chart will look like as you can see here.

Let's first understand this conjunction that is Mercury, Sun, Jupiter and Venus are there in your 11th house that is the house of Profit . Sun which is the lord of the 2nd house currently transiting in your house of profit and due to the presence of Sun here all the three planets are in combustor position due to which they won't be able to give you those positive impact what you are expecting here. So be little careful here Sun's aspect is on the 5th house of birth chart from the house of profit currently if you are doing any business with your friends or with the help of your social circle then it may grow also there are chances that you may get some connections with higher authorities and these authorities may be in the government sector or may also be in the private sector due to which you may get some good results in your business as well as in your job.

In this conjunction Mercury which is the lord of the 12th house is currently transiting in your house of profit there are chances that you may face some hindrances in getting your promotion in the job so be little careful here also it may create some disturbances in your mind avoid any lucrative offer during this particular period otherwise the presence of Mercury here may distract your mind and it might be possible that you may take some wrong decision so be little careful here.

Currently Rahu is transiting in your house of fortune from where Rahu is aspecting your ascendant house that is the first house and also the third house and here at the fifth house of birth chart the presence of Rahu in the house of fortune may create some delay in getting the results of your hard work may create some challenges related to your fortune there are also chances that your travel may increase during this particular period also if you are running any business with the help of your father or even with the help of your younger siblings then there are chances that disputes may occur in that due to the aspect of Rahu on the first house which is of Cancer this may create some disturbances in your mind there are chances that you may take some wrong decision specifically during this particular period because Mercury sitting here in your house of profit and Rahu aspect is there on the house of Cancer.

Cancer is the inimical sign of Rahu due to which it may create some disturbances in your mind there are chances that you may take some wrong decision there are chances that your self-confidence may also get impacted in a negative manner it may create instability in your mind as well.

During the current transit of Saturn, Saturn is placed in your 8th house of birth chart in Aquarius, which is the Mooltrikon sign of Saturn. Saturn is aspecting the second house, the house of Karma, and the fifth house of the birth chart.

Currently Saturn is placed in your 8th house of birth chart in Aquarius which is the Mooltrikon sign of Saturn. Saturn is aspecting the second house here and the house of Karma also the fifth house of birth chart see placement of Saturn in the 8th house may take you away from your family. There are chances that you may get some transfer in your job this placement of Saturn may also give you sudden gains related to property and this property may be related to your parental property as well that means your ancestral property we are talking about and also Saturn placement in the 8th house here will give very very good results to such natives who are into some research work if you are into software development work also you may get some sudden gains here and if you have been facing some challenges in your higher degree in getting the higher degree or in education then this period of Saturn may also give you very very fruitful results here if you want to pursue PhD then this period will give you good results here also Saturn may give positive results to such natives who are into astrology, tarot reading or some profession in which you are working behind the curtains so in such professions you will be getting very very fruitful results of Saturn here.

Let's understand the transit of Mars. Mars transit is very important during the month of June. From the 1st of June, Mars is going to transit in your house of career. Here, Mars is aspecting your fourth house, the fifth house of the birth chart, and the Lagna house, which is the first house.

Mars is the lord of the fifth house, plays a crucial role in the cancer ascendant horoscope. Due to Mars transiting in your house of career, there are chances that you may expect some unexpected gains in your career. You may get good news related to your job or business. Due to Mars aspecting the fourth house, professionals in the real estate business may get sudden gains. If you have invested in property or plan to purchase a new vehicle, this transit of Mars will be positive.

Mars aspecting the fifth house may bring new ideas, which you can implement for good results. We will discuss the impact of Mars' transit on your health and family life in later sections.

After the 14th of June, your birth chart will look like this:

During this period, the transit of Sun, Venus, and Mercury will be in the 12th house. Mercury is the lord of the 12th house, and the combustion of Jupiter will end. Jupiter will aspect your fifth, fourth, and third houses. This aspect of Jupiter on the third house is very important. The aspect on the seventh house also plays a crucial role.

During this period conjunction of Sun, Venus, and Mercury in the 12th house. There are chances that you may get positive results related to foreign lands. People searching for opportunities abroad will get good results. However, those already abroad should be careful, as the Sun's transit in the 12th house may cause legal issues and increase workload, leading to stress.

Sun aspect on the sixth house here may increase your workload there are chances that your stress may increase a lot during this particular period when we talk about your business or job as well this aspect of Sun and displacement of Sun here may create more trouble related to your health issues which we are going to discuss in our later section.
Sun being the lord of the second house so you have to be very careful while speaking that means you have to think twice before speaking because during this period there are chances that people may take your words in a negative manner so be little careful here.

Also during this period the combust position of Jupiter is going to end and Jupiter is aspecting your third house here due to which the negative impact of Ketu will start reducing here if you have been facing some challenges due to this Ketu and you have been facing some lack of confidence and you were not positive about your career then this aspect of Jupiter will improve that will boost your confidence level here you will see things in a positive manner and you will take your career in a positive manner as well.

Also Jupiter aspect on the fifth house will give you a stable mind if you have been facing some challenges some disturbances during the past few months and you were not able to take decisions in a positive manner then this aspect of Jupiter will do that also the placement of Jupiter here in the eleventh house will give you profit in such a business if you are doing with your friends or with the help of social circle also Jupiter aspect here on the seventh house will give you some positive impact some positive result in your business specifically if you are doing some partnership business and if you have been facing some challenges in your partnership business then this aspect of Jupiter will reduce that will remove that.

Cancer Horoscope June 2024 - Health:

During the month of June if you talk about your health then the current transit of Saturn here in the eighth house may create trouble to such people such persons who are having issues related to their lower abdomen area and also Saturn sitting here in the eighth house may create trouble to such natives who are suffering from an anxiety or maybe sleep disorder if you have a history of depression then be little careful here.

Specifically period after 14th of June when Sun will transit here in your 12th house of birth chart so be little careful here otherwise your stress may increase what remedies you have to follow I have mentioned in the remedy section will be helpful to you also the aspect of Saturn here on the second house may create trouble to such natives who have teeth problem if you have any issue related to your teeth or even eyes then this period may create more trouble to you.

Cancer Horoscope June 2024 - Finances:

During the month of June period from 1st to 12th of June will be a positive period for your finances if you have been facing some challenges in the past related to your finances or facing some trouble related to your savings then this period will increase your savings also during the current period Mars is here in the 10th house and aspecting your 4th house due to which there are chances that if you have been facing some challenges in purchasing some vehicle then this period will reduce that and you may see favorable results in that as well.

But period after 14th of June when the transit of the Lord of the second house is in the 12th house that is the Sun is going to transit to the 12th house then you may see some instability in your finances there are also chances that your expenses may increase suddenly specifically period from 7 to 8th of June and 19 to 20th of June on these date you have to be little careful otherwise your mental stress may increase also avoid some lucrative offer during 28 to 30th of June this period may increase your expenses and it may impact your monthly budget in a negative manner, so be little careful here.

Also if you talk about some unexpected financial gains then period from 16 to 18th of June there are chances that you may get some unexpected financial gains and these gains may be from your previous investment.

Cancer Monthly Horoscope June 2024 - Love and romance life :

if we talk about your love and romance life then period from 1st to 12th of June is not so favorable when we talk about your romance life because Mars is aspecting your 5th house and Saturn is also aspecting your 5th house and Rahu is also aspecting your 5th house and period till 14th of June.

Sun is also aspecting your 5th house due to which this is the period when some confusion related to your love and relationship will increase a lot this is the period when there will be a test of your patience so be little careful here if you start reacting over small small issues then this period may create more conflict in your relationship and it is going to impact your love and romance life in a negative manner so be little careful here.

But period after 14th of June it will give you some positive results because the combust position of Jupiter is going to reduce here remove here and Jupiter is going to aspect your 5th house due to which it is going to reduce the negative impact of Rahu as well and Saturn as well so due to which you may see some stability in your love and romance life on the other hand people who are then period from 16 to 18th of June will be a favorable period for your relationship.

Monthly Horoscope Cancer June 2024 - Family life :

period till 14th of June is not favorable for your married life currently Saturn is transiting in your 8th house which will force you to go away from your family life that means there are chances that you may get some transfer in your job or Saturn will detach you from your family life also during the current period Ketu is aspecting your 7th house due to which it may impact your married life in a negative manner so be little careful here this period may create more trouble to you but period after 14th of June due to the aspect of Jupiter on your 7th house here it is going to reduce the negative impact of Ketu and you will see some stability in your married life . If you have been facing some challenges in your married life that will start reducing after 14th of June.

On the other hand period after 14th of June you may face some challenges related to health issues of your father also conflict with your father may increase during this period period from 14 to 15th of June and 28 to 30th of June there are chances that you may see some challenges related to the health of your mother so be little careful here during these particular days during the current period Rahu is aspecting your 3rd house and Ketu is also placed here so be little careful it may create some challenges in relation with your younger siblings.

Period till 14th of June there are chances that you may face some challenges when we talk about the relation with your children due to the aspect of Mars on the 5th house here there are chances that your relation with your children may be impacted in a negative manner avoid imposing your decision during this particular period otherwise this period may create more trouble to you.

Cancer Monthly Horoscope June 2024 - Clothing:

Avoid wearing dark blue and green clothes in June. You can wear yellow and red clothes. Avoid white clothes from the 14th-15th and 28th-30th of June to reduce stress. Wearing white from the 16th-18th of June will bring mental peace.

Cancer Monthly Horoscope June 2024 - Remedies:

  • Saturn's transit in the 8th house suggests charity from ancestral property.
  • Donate medicine on Saturdays.
  • Rahu in the house of fortune requires chanting Rahu Beej Mantra daily after sunset.
  • Feed dogs or fish daily.
  • Those facing marriage delays should observe Pradosh Vrat on the 4th and 19th of June. Visit Lord Shiva temple, chant Om Namah Shivaya mantra 108 times, and read Shiva Chalisa for auspicious results.
FAQ: Cancer Horoscope June 2024

Frequently Asked Questions about Cancer Horoscope June 2024

What is the impact of Saturn placed in the 8th house in Aquarius in my birth chart according to Cancer horoscope June 2024?

Currently, Saturn is placed in your 8th house of birth chart in Aquarius, which is the Mooltrikon sign of Saturn. Saturn is aspecting the second house, the house of Karma, and the fifth house of the birth chart. The placement of Saturn in the 8th house may take you away from your family.

How will Saturn in the 8th house affect my career if I am into research or software development according to Cancer horoscope June 2024?

Saturn's placement in the 8th house will give very good results to natives involved in research work or software development. You may experience sudden gains, and if you have faced challenges in obtaining a higher degree or education, this period of Saturn may also yield fruitful results.

What is the significance of Mars transiting in my house of career during June according to Cancer horoscope June 2024?

Mars, being the lord of the fifth house, plays a crucial role in the Cancer ascendant horoscope. Due to Mars transiting in your house of career, there are chances that you may expect some unexpected gains in your career. You may get good news related to your job or business. Professionals in the real estate business may get sudden gains, and investments in property or vehicle purchases may be positive. Mars' aspect on the fifth house may bring new ideas for good results.

How will the conjunction of Sun, Venus, and Mercury in the 12th house affect me according to Cancer horoscope June 2024?

During this period, the transit of Sun, Venus, and Mercury will be in the 12th house. Mercury is the lord of the 12th house, and the combustion of Jupiter will end. Jupiter will aspect your fifth, fourth, and third houses, and its aspect on the third and seventh houses plays a crucial role. Positive results related to foreign lands may arise. However, those already abroad should be cautious of legal issues and increased workload due to the Sun's transit in the 12th house. The Sun aspecting the sixth house may increase workload, affecting business, job, and health. Be careful while speaking to avoid misunderstandings.

What are the health implications of Saturn transiting in the 8th house according to Cancer horoscope June 2024?

The current transit of Saturn in the eighth house may create trouble for those with lower abdomen issues, anxiety, or sleep disorders. If you have a history of depression, be cautious after the 14th of June when the Sun transits your 12th house, as this may increase stress. Remedies mentioned in the remedy section will be helpful. Saturn's aspect on the second house may cause teeth or eye problems.

How will Mars transiting the 10th house affect my finances in June according to Cancer horoscope June 2024?

From the 1st to the 12th of June, finances will be positive. If you faced challenges in savings, this period will improve savings. Mars in the 10th house aspecting your 4th house may resolve vehicle purchase issues. However, after the 14th of June, when the Sun transits to the 12th house, you may see financial instability and increased expenses, especially on the 7th-8th and 19th-20th of June. Avoid lucrative offers from the 28th-30th of June, as they may impact your budget negatively. Unexpected financial gains may come from the 16th-18th of June from previous investments.

How will Mars and Saturn's aspects affect my love and romance life according to Cancer horoscope June 2024?

From the 1st to the 12th of June, the aspects of Mars, Saturn, Rahu, and the Sun on the 5th house may create confusion and test your patience in relationships. Avoid reacting to small issues to prevent conflicts. After the 14th of June, the combust position of Jupiter will reduce, stabilizing your love life and reducing Rahu and Saturn's negative impact. From the 16th-18th of June, relationships will be favorable.

What are the suggested remedies for June according to Cancer horoscope June 2024?

Saturn's transit in the 8th house suggests charity from ancestral property. Donate medicine on Saturdays. Rahu in the house of fortune requires chanting Rahu Beej Mantra daily after sunset. Feed dogs or fish daily. Those facing marriage delays should observe Pradosh Vrat on the 4th and 19th of June. Visit a Lord Shiva temple, chant "Om Namah Shivaya" mantra 108 times, and read Shiva Chalisa for auspicious results.

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