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Sagittarius Horoscope June 2024

In this blog we will discuss Sagittarius Horoscope June 2024. In this monthly horsocope of Sagittarius we will discuss about Career, Finance, Health, Family Life, Love and Romance Life and best remedies for the month of June 2024.

In the month of June, there will be very important transit of Mars and Mars is going to transit in your fifth house of birth chart and Mars is also the lord of the fifth house due to which this transit of Mars play very crucial role in your life. And in this video, we are going to discuss in complete detail, what will be the impact of this transit of Mars on different aspect of your life.

So let's move forward and first discuss about your business and career during the month of June.

Sagittarius Horoscope June 2024 Business and Career :

Period from 1st to 14th of June, your birth chart will look like this as you can see here .

During this period conjunction of four planets are there in the sixth house that is Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and Sun. Mars from 1st of June will be here that is the fifth house of your birth chart and Rahu in the fourth and Ketu in the 10th house of birth chart, Saturn is currently transiting in the Aquarius sign which is the Mul-Trikona sign of your birth chart and in this video we are going to discuss in complete detail about the mathematics of these planetary position.

So let's understand first the conjunction of these four planetary position. In this conjunction due to the presence of Sun, all the three planets are in combust position due to which you won't be able to get the positive impact of this conjunction that means Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. On the other hand the placement of Sun in the sixth house which is the lord of the ninth house that is the house of fortune due to which there are chances that you may get some hindrances or delay in getting the result of your hard work or we can say if you have started any new project then things may get delayed.

On the other hand due to the aspect of Sun on the twelfth house there are chances that you may get some opportunity related to foreign land. Also this period will give you good result in some sort of competition if you are planning to attend some interview of to go abroad or if your interview is scheduled during this particular period then this period will give you some very very auspicious result here. What will be the impact of these four planets in the sixth house on your health? We are going to discuss in our later section.

Currently Rahu in the fourth house which is aspecting your twelfth house and the house of karma as well and it's aspect on the eighth house. See Rahu placement in the fourth house will force you to go away from your birth place.

If you are doing any job or business at your birthplace or near to your birthplace then there are chances that you may face some difficulties in that. If you are putting your 100% efforts and you are not getting the results of your hard work then this is the main reason for that. That is the Rahu placement in the fourth house.

Rahu placement in the fourth house also give you opportunities to go abroad. Also there are chances that you may get some opportunity away from your birthplace. There are chances that your travel may increase due to which it will take you away from your birthplace due to the placement in the fourth house.

On the other hand Ketu placement in the tenth house will force you to think over and over again about your career unnecessarily. So please be a little careful here during this particular period otherwise Ketu presence in the tenth house may force you to change job frequently. It may also create some unnecessary burden in your mind.

So be a little careful here. Now let's understand the position of Saturn here in the third house. Saturn is currently transiting in its smooth trichone sign in the third house from where it is aspecting the house of fortune as well as the twelfth house of birth chart.

Currently Saturn is placed in the third house in its smooth trichone sign due to which it is going to give you some confidence level. That means you will be able to handle the toughest situation of life in a very easy manner. Due to the aspect of Saturn on the ninth house, it will enhance your fortune.

That means your luck will start favoring you. But in the current situation don't start any project which will give you quick result or if you expect some quick result from any project because Saturn aspect on the ninth house may delay the things related to your fortune. So start a new project for longer period.

That means it will give you fruits after one year or two years and you will see a stable growth in such a project. On the other hand, Saturn aspect on the ninth house will increase your travel as well. And these travel may be abroad due to the aspect of Saturn on the twelfth house here.

Currently Saturn is aspecting your ninth house. So do some charity from your ancestral property or from your own house. That means donating medicine to some needy person or maybe some stationary item to some needy students as well.

So such type of charity will give you very fruitful results of Saturn placement in the third house which is aspecting your house of fortune. So what will be the impact of this transit on your health and on your family life? We are going to discuss this in a later section. So let's understand the transit of Mars here which is the most important transit of this month.

Mars is the lord of the fifth house in your birth chart and currently aspecting your house of profit as well as the twelfth house here due to the transit of Mars here in its own sign of Aries and always remember that in the Seltavius ascendant horoscope the transit of Mars plays very crucial role due to the lord of the fifth house and currently Mars is the fifth house which is aspecting your house of profit. That means it may give you some sudden gains related to your work which you have done previously during the past few months and if you are running some business with your friends or with the help of social circle then this period will give you some very very good result as well.

Due to the aspect of the 11th house this period may also give you some sudden gains in share trading or maybe some investment which you have done during the past few months or maybe during the last few years during the current period there are four planets which is aspecting your 12th house which is very very important here Saturn Mars Rahu and Sun here so this period is very crucial for such natives who are searching some opportunity abroad if you are doing some business or if you are doing some consultancy work for any multinational organization then this period may give you some sudden gains in that as well. If you are into import export business also there are chances that you may get some sudden gains in that as well.

Period from 14th of June to 30th JUne :

Your birth chart will look like this as you can see here .

During this period transit of Sun Venus and Mercury that is the three planets are placed in your seventh house and Mercury which is the lord of the seventh house and Venus which is the lord of the sixth house and the house of profit currently transiting here in the seventh house and due to this transit of Sun here in the seventh house Jupiter which was in the combust position the combust position of Jupiter will going to reduce here removed here and Jupiter is aspecting your 12th house as well as the house of career which is the most important aspect of Jupiter during this particular transit and this transit of Jupiter plays very crucial role in your career.

Let's discuss what is the role of this transit of Sun. Sun is going to transit in your seventh house and people who are doing some partnership business have to be little careful here there are chances that you may get some sudden gains in your partnership business on the other hand your clashes with your partners may increase Sun aspect on the first house that is the ascendant house may increase your ego there are chances that you won't be able to accept the ideas of others due to which it may increase the clashes in your career or maybe in your business specifically in your partnership business. So be little careful here and avoid your ego and be little calm here, be little flexible here.

Now let's discuss about the Jupiter, Jupiter is aspecting your house of karma that is the 10th house which is the most important aspect of Jupiter here, Jupiter is going to reduce the negative impact of Ketu here, Ketu which was forcing you to think again and again about your career and Ketu wants you to take some wrong decision in this case Jupiter is going to reduce that Jupiter will say that stop here and think twice before moving forward Jupiter is going to give its positive aspect here and there are chances that you may get some good news or some new opportunity in your job here Jupiter aspect on the 12th house may give opportunities related to some higher education and if you are searching some opportunity abroad related to some higher studies and you are facing some challenges in that then this period this aspect of Jupiter will give positive impact in that positive aspect on that .

Sagittarius Horoscope June 2024 Health :

Month of June if we talk about your health then period from 1st to 14th of June is not so favorable to such native who have issues related to their backbone or if you have been facing some trouble related to muscles and this aspect will be on the 12th house due to which there are chances that people who are suffering from anxiety or if you have depression in the past then this conjunction may create more trouble to you if you are suffering from some cervical spondylitis or slip disc issues then this period may create more trouble to you.

Also period from 9th to 10th of June may create more trouble to such natives who have stomach related issue gastrointestinal problems during this period avoid eating outside food or more spicy food otherwise this period may create more problems to you Rahu placement in the 4th house here may also create some cardiovascular issues and lungs related issues so be really careful about that and wear a face mask while if you are visiting any sort of polluted area that will be beneficial for you .

You can also read : Virgo Horoscope June 2024

Sagittarius Horoscope June 2024 Finances :

Period from 1st to 12th of June may be little stressful to you you won't be able to manage your finances or your financial management may be impacted in a negative manner due to this conjunction in the 6th house of birth chart there are chances that your expense may increase and these expenses may be related to your health related issues also period after 14th of June will be a positive period and you will see stability in your finances.

If we talk about your sudden gains in the finances then period from 16th to 18th of June and 28th to 30th of June there are chances that you may get some sudden gains specifically if you have invested somewhere in the past or if you have given some loan to someone and he was not returning it this will be the period when you may see some sudden gains in such a situation on other hand avoid investing during the period of 14 to 15th of June or any sort of lucrative offer also during the period of 19 to 20th of June otherwise your mental stress may increase here now let's move forward and discuss about your love and romance life if you talk about your

Sagittarius Horoscope June 2024 love and romance life :

The current transit of Mars here that is a lot of the fifth house in the fifth house may create some hurdles in your love and romance life also Venus which is transiting in the 6th house and in combustor position during the month of June may give you some stress related to your love and relationship also period from 12th June onwards Sun will be transiting here in your seventh house which may create some hurdles which may create some challenges in your love and romance life.

There are chances that your clashes with your partner may increase here so be little flexible here otherwise this period may create huge gaps in your relationship on the other hand people who are searching for some partner then period from 16th to 18th of June and 5th to 6th of June will give them some opportunity and your love and romance life chapter may begin during this particular period there are chances that you may get someone or you may meet someone during some social gathering during this particular period so that was all about your love and romance life

Sagittarius Horoscope June 2024 Family life :

During the month of June if we talk about your married life then period after 14th of June is not so favorable due to the transit of Sun in the 7th house here there are chances that your ego clashes may increase here also you won't be ready to accept the ideas or you won't be able to accept the views of your partner due to which there are chances that your stress in your married life may increase.

So period after 14th of June you have to be little flexible and avoid unnecessary argument in your relationship also period from 1st to 12th of June there are chances that stress with your father may increase here this stress may be related to the health issues of your father also period from 28th to 30th of June and 1st to 2nd of June your clashes with your mother may increase also during this period there are chances that your mother may face some health related issues presence of March in the 5th house avoid any unnecessary argument with your children or avoid imposing your decision on your children otherwise this period may create more stress to you

Sagittarius Horoscope June 2024 clothing:

During the month of June avoid wearing green colored clothes specifically period from 1st to 2nd of June and 28th to 30th of June that will be beneficial for you during the month of June you can wear red colored clothes as well during the month of June after 14th of June specifically avoid wearing orange colored clothes you can wear white colored clothes on 16th to 18th of June that will give you mental peace and give you some auspicious result as well

Sagittarius Horoscope June 2024 Remedies :

  • Currently Jupiter is transiting in your 6th house so you can donate some yellow items like yellow colored clothes which will be of 1.25 meter of length and yellow lentils which will be of 250 grams to any needy person or to any NGO specifically during Thursdays.
  • Currently Rahu is placed in the fourth house of birth chart and it may impact your homely environment in a negative manner so keep chanting Rahu Beej Mantra daily 108 times after sunset .
  • Also you can feed dogs or fishes after sunset on a daily basis.
  • People who are facing some challenges in their married life or if you are facing some delay in getting married then Pradosh Vrat will be very very auspicious to you Pradosh Vrat falls twice every month during the month of June it will come on 4th of June and 19th of June on this day wake up before sunrise and visit Lord Shiva temple there you have to chant Om Namah Shivaya Mantra 108 times and also read Shiva Chalisa this will reduce the negative impact of all planets on your birth chart and give you very auspicious result
FAQ: Sagittarius Horoscope June 2024

Frequently asked questions on Sagittarius horoscope June 2024

What major planetary transits will impact Sagittarius in June 2024?

During the month of June, the Sun will transit in Gemini, and Mars will transit in Aries.

What is the impact on Career as per Sagittarius horoscope June 2024?

Rahu placement in the fourth house also gives you opportunities to go abroad. There are chances that you may get some opportunity away from your birthplace.

What is the impact of Mars in Aries during the month of June as per Sagittarius horoscope June 2024?

Mars is the lord of the fifth house in your birth chart and currently aspecting your house of profit as well as the twelfth house. The transit of Mars in its own sign of Aries means it may give you some sudden gains related to your work.

What are the key financial prospects as per Sagittarius Horoscope June 2024?

Period from 1st to 12th of June may be a little stressful for you. You might not be able to manage your finances or your financial management may be impacted negatively due to this conjunction in the 6th house of the birth chart. There are chances that your expenses may increase.

How will the relationships and love life of Sagittarius natives be affected in June 2024?

The current transit of Mars, the lord of the fifth house, in the fifth house may create some hurdles in your love and romance life. Additionally, Venus transiting in the 6th house and in a combust position during the month of June may give you some stress related to your love and relationship, especially from 12th June onwards.

Are there any health concerns or wellness tips for Sagittarius to be aware of in June 2024?

The period from 1st to 14th of June is not so favorable for natives who have issues related to their backbone or muscles. This aspect will be on the 12th house, which may cause anxiety for people suffering from such conditions.

What are the best remedies for Sagittarius during the month of June 2024?

Currently, Jupiter is transiting in your 6th house, so you can donate some yellow items like yellow-colored clothes (1.25 meters in length) and yellow lentils (250 grams) to any needy person or NGO, specifically on Thursdays.
Currently, Rahu is placed in the fourth house of the birth chart and it may impact your homely environment in a negative manner, so keep chanting the Rahu Beej Mantra daily 108 times after sunset.

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